11:11 Healing Transmission. Portal Activation - #WorldPeaceProjects

3 years ago

11:11 Healing Transmission. Portal Activation - #WorldPeaceProjects

How To Protect and Command Your Energy/Reality Workshop. $25

Date And Time

Fri, November 15, 2019
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM PST
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Sacred Light
1939 Hillhurst Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027


How To Protect and Command Your Energy/Reality.

Do you want to learn how to energetically protect and command your reality more efficiently?

Do you need help overcoming anxiety, worry or depression?

Would you like to maintain an empowered and content state, in general, throughout your days?

Join us in a comprehensive and concise workshop designed to help you thrive!

We will explore and build on 3 basic truths of your existence.

1. This Universe, including your body and reality, is made up of Frequency. And Frequency can be altered.

2. This Universe, including your body and reality, is made up of Force in Motion and Inertia and Acceleration. Dielectricity/Magnetism births Electricity.

3. 99% of the average human’s life runs off of their unconscious knowing.

Then we will build upon these 3 basic truths to offer a clearer understanding of what is happening, why it is happening and how you can command your experience more efficiently and continuously.

This interactive event will offer you easy, practical tools to protect your energy. Time for Q&A will give you an opportunity to gain a more expansive understanding of your reality. We will also enjoy a healing transmission using intuitive guidance and frequency sound through rare Alchemy crystal bowls.

We are honored and grateful to offer you this powerful and transformative event in a uniquely high vibration container, that is Sacred Light Crystal Shop.

So, You are a StarSeed. Now, what? Workshop


Jupiter Soundscape
18756 Amar Rd. Walnut Ca 91789

Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 4pm to 5:30pm PST


In this time many of us are awakening to intuitive abilities, inexplicable senses, memories of extra dimensional lifetimes, and past lives. This workshop is here to help those of us experiencing these things to navigate our astral light.
Do you want to connect with your guidance more clearly? Do you want to become more of your true self?
Join us for this intuitive exploration. You will learn why revocations are important and the importance of consent. Learn how to delayer your false self and recognize your baseline frequency. Understand the pitfalls of certain “spirit guides”. What is the difference between your Soul and Spirit anyway? These are a few of the many topics this workshop offers.

This special event also includes a healing transmission accompanied by a mini soundbath.


To make a donation:


▪️For intuitive healings:


Email: Chloe@worldpeaceprojects.global

▪️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chloe.world...

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