Leaked Transcripts From Xi Jinping Detail the CCP's Desire to Rule the Internet

3 years ago

Something that has long been suspected has been confirmed with these leaks. The Chinese Communist Party has a long running plan (documented as long back as 2013) to over take the entirety of the Internet as we know it. From bringing DNS to Chinese shores, to tightening the control already present in Big Tech via Belt and Road strategy for online infrastructure, it's all carefully plotted and currently underway.

Xi Jinping has spoke numerous times about their desire to carry out said plan. Now that the documents have been revealed, who can stop the CCP?

The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinese-leader-xi-jinping-lays-out-plan-to-control-the-global-internet-leaked-documents_3791944.html
CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/19/china/china-feminists-silenced-intl-hnk-dst/index.html

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#CCP #Takeover #XiJinping

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