Withings Body+ Composition Smart Wi-Fi Scale Weight Pound WBS05-WHITE-ALL-INTER 5869541 04-15-2020

3 years ago

Withings Body+ Composition Smart Wi-Fi Scale Weight pound1

Cost: $79.99

BestBuy: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/withings-body-body-composition-smart-wi-fi-scale-white/5869541.p?skuId=5869541

Measure your weight, BMI and other health stats with this Nokia Withings Body Smart Wi-Fi scale. It provides various body composition data points like body fat and water percentage, and it tracks data of up to eight users in the household. Pair this Nokia Withings Body Wi-Fi scale with your smartphone to receive real-time data and analysis via the Health Mate app.
Activity & Health Tracker Buying Guide
Measures up to 396.8 lbs. in 3.5-oz. increments
So you can easily monitor your weight in kilograms, pounds and stones.

Full body composition
The scale monitors weight, plus body fat, muscle, bone mass and water percentage.

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