Aaron McAfee - STREET SAX PERFORMANCE - Detroit - GreektownHotBox - Eastern Market - 2021

3 years ago

* * * * * * * AARON MCAFEE Street Sax INSTAGRAM! * * * * * * *

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Aaron McAfee and I go back at least to 2016 in January of that year when I began weekly Detroit street photography sessions (this day was my two-hundred-and-sixteenth since January of 2016).

I used a pair of Sennheiser MD-421's outfitted with Triton Audio Fetheads (one of the fatheads is broken, because I think they are made poorly [tisk risk… any recommendations for something better?], but they provide much needed clean, transparent, and [I think] pretty good gain to my otherwise [to me] quiet MD-421's [that I got for half off {$200} because of a Providentially provided just-in-time, happened-to-find sale in Fall 2020]).

The microphones went through short, good cables into my Zoom H6 field recorder with phantom power engaged and the gain set below peaking, because I want the cleanest, clearest, best (whate'er that means…) sound.

The Zoom floats above it all with a Manfrotto miniature tripod (the thirty dollar one).

I shot this video with my Nikon D800 (ca. 2012) at 720p 60fps with a Nikon 35mm f/2 (ca. 1981) set at f/8 until near the end when I set it at f/2. I also used footage from my iPhone.

I mean… what more might one want to yet know that has not been covered in this personal and technical write-up for this neat performance by my good pal, Aaron?

I hope you all are well. I will pray for America. Please pray for me.
God Bless you.


Aaron McAfee - STREET SAX PERFORMANCE - Detroit - GreektownHotBox - Eastern Market - 2021


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