Panda facts: also known as giant pandas | Animal Fact Files

3 years ago

Pandas may be the most iconic bears thanks to their black and white coats. This coloration is believed to have developed to help these bears blend in with their environments and hide them from predators. Nowadays, adult pandas don't have to worry about predators besides humans, however, young pandas can fall prey to martens, weasels, and wild cats. Pandas are currently listed as threatened to extinction. They were once listed as endangered but conservation efforts have helped to increase awareness of these animals and boost their populations in the wild. Still, there are believed to be fewer than 2,000 pandas alive in the wild today.

Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Range: central China
Size: average 225 pounds (102kg) in weight
Diet: mostly bamboo but also other plants and fruit, as well as small mammals and insects
Lifespan: 20 years in the wild

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