Battle Management Blues – Know Your Options

3 years ago

Keep in mind, this series of videos was produced six months ago, before the Election of 2020. I've modified the references mentioned in the video to be more useful now.

News and Commentary (sensible conservative news and commentary, have been reading this for decades) Ongoing commentary about what's going on under the radar and behind the scenes. References Q, but puts everything into context. Everything Q (all the posts in searchable and sortable format). I found this very helpful to understand the concept of Q and where Q and the Anons who follow Q are coming from. I do not consider myself an Anon.

Action to Preserve Your Freedom The School of National Assembly, where you can learn how to work with each other as Free Men and Women to resettle your counties and states. The tabs for The 10 Steps and The Handbook are good places to start. A Telegram Channel where you can join us Montanans (whether you are one or not) to see what's new and how you can learn what you need to know about how to help undo the mess this nation has gotten into.

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