National Anthem of Acadia - Ave Maris Stella (Instrumental)

3 years ago

Acadia (French: Acadie) was a colony of New France in northeastern North America which included parts of what are now the Maritime provinces, the Gaspé Peninsula and Maine to the Kennebec River.

(French / Latin Lyrics)
Ave Maris Stella,
Dei Mater Alma
Atque Semper Virgo,
Felix Coeli Porta.

Acadie, ma patrie,
À ton nom, je me lie,
Ma vie, ma foi sont à toi,
Tu me protégeras.

Acadie, ma patrie,
Ma terre et mon défi,
De près, de loin tu me tiens,
Mon cœur est Acadien.

Acadie, ma patrie,
Ton histoire, je la vis,
La fierté, je te la dois,
En l’avenir, je crois.

(English Lyrics)
Hail Thou Star of the Ocean,
Portal of the Sky,
Ever Virgin Mother
Of The Lord Most High.

Acadia, my homeland,
To your name I draw myself,
My life, my faith belong to you,
You will protect me.

Acadia, my homeland,
My land and my challenge,
From near, from far
You hold on to me,
My heart is Acadian.

Acadia, my homeland,
I live your history,
I owe you my pride,
I believe in your future.

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