Why We Can't All Just "Come Together" and Mushy-Mushy May 1, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Why We Can't All Just "Come Together" and Mushy-Mushy May 1, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This week has been rather tumultuous. First, we were invited to join the "Arise America" Tour. I always thought that was an odd choice of names. It makes it sound like some kind of religious event, a "resurrection" or something like that, but, okay.... if it has good intentions, why not support it?
And the intentions as expressed to me were right and honorable enough.
So, sure, we were ready to join the program and help.
But there were always two nagging problems in the back of my mind.
(1) Where is the money coming from? (2) Why are we, the actual Government, being marginalized in the program and used as a back-up band for our Employees?
Because make no mistake, Sheriffs, whether Constitutional Sheriffs or LEOs, are still Employees, even if they are entrusted with the great powers of local government.
And why should we promote the importance of our Employees, while we, the government from which they derive all their powers, are stuck singing second string back-up?
Isn't it more important for people to seize their own power and enable themselves to act, instead of --- once again --- giving their power away to their Employees? Even if their employees mean well?
Then, for unknown reasons Sheriff Mack says he won't be part of the program if we are included. Or at least, that's what we are told.
Unofficially, I've been told that this is because Sheriff Mack erroneously believes that I gave the Colorado Nine "bad advice" and that they were following my instructions when they got arrested.
If so, that simply isn't true.
And it's easy to observe and prove that it isn't so.
I severed any relationship with Bruce Doucette and his actual Mentor, Michael R. Hamilton, weeks before they took their ill-fated action ----- and it was precisely because they weren't following my advice. That is recorded in an article published at the time, Number 485, on my website.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/05/why-we-cant-all-just-come-together-and.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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