Fat Burning Cardio Workout [GMG Originals]

3 years ago

Need an alternative to running on the treadmill? This fat burning cardio workout has got you covered! For this workout you don't need any equipment and each move can be done anywhere, which means you don't need to buy an expensive gym membership. These moves will work every part of your body and get you working up a sweat in no time. Don't forget to drink water and rest if needed, and remember to have fun!

Floor Touch Squat Jumps

Start in a standing position. Bend your knees into a squat while bringing your hands down in front to touch the ground. Once you touch the ground you immediately jump and start the move again. Do 10-12 reps of this.

Mountain Climbers

Start in a plank position with your hands and feet on the floor. Next bend each knee and bring them up towards your hands. Repeat this 10-12 times.

Modified Burpee

Start by standing with your feet at hip distance apart. Then you will bend at the waist and bring your hands to the floor while pushing your feet out behind you. You will be in a plank position. Jump your feet in towards your hands and stand up. You can jump or simply stand at this point (whichever is most comfortable). Repeat this move 10-12 times.

Split Jumps

Start by doing a lunge. Once you're in the lunge position you will switch to the same position on the other leg. You can do this by jumping or stepping.

Plank Jacks

Start in a plank position with your feet together. Next you will do a small hop to separate your legs (as if you were doing jumping jacks). Repeat this 10-12 times.

Plank Pike Ups

Again you will start in a plank position for this exercise with your feet close together. Next hope your feet in towards your hands while pushing your butt up towards the ceiling. Repeat this 10-12 times. Repeat this entire sequence 3 times for an effective cardio workout you can do at home!
[GMG Originals]

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