Resistance Band Full Body Workout [GMG Originals]

3 years ago

If you're like many of us out there, you might be feeling like you need to join a gym to get rid of some extra weight. Spoiler alert: ditch the gym and get just as good of a workout at home with an inexpensive resistance band! Made for women and men of every size, resistance bands help tone your muscles and can help you shed some of that stubborn fat. Notwithstanding the physical benefits, resistance bands are also way smaller than the oversized fitness equipment you might have sitting in your living room (yes, I'm looking at you!). This makes them easy to store and easy to travel with when you're looking to maintain your fitness on the go! So what are you waiting for? Grab yourself a resistance band and try this fully body workout and you'll be feeling tighter and more toned in no time.

Hip Abductor

Tie the band in a circle and place it around both of your calves. Place your feet hip-width apart. With your weight on one leg, lift the other leg away from your body pushing against the resistance. Bring your leg back to the ground to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times on each leg. Muscles groups worked:Abductors and abdominals


Tie the band in a circle and place it under both of your feet. Grip the band and stand up with your shoulder blades together (this is your starting position). Begin the motion by slowly dropping your hands down the front of your legs while maintaining a tight upper back. Allow your hips to move back and slightly bend your knees. Once at the bottom, slowly return to the starting position while keeping your upper back tight and the resistance band close to your legs. Repeat this movement 10-12 times. Muscle groups worked: Hamstrings, glutes and upper back.

Bent-over Row to Bicep Curl

Start with your feet hip-width apart with both feet on the band and both ends of the band in each hand. Bend forward with a slight bend in the knee. In this position, pull the band while keeping your elbows close to your body and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lower your arms and return to the standing position. Proceed to bring your arms up in a bicep curl squeezing at the top. Lower your arms. Repeat both movements 8-10 times. Muscle groups worked: Back and biceps.

Band Twists

Begin in a seated position with both legs extended in front of your body - allow for a slight bend in the knee if necessary. Wrap the resistance band around both feet and hold the ends together in both hands. Pull the bands up and perform a twist motion to one side. Return to the center and pull the bands up and perform a twist motion on the other side. Repeat 8-10 times on each side. Muscle groups worked: Obliques and chest.

Band Kickback

Begin by going on all fours with a resistance band wrapped around one of your feet. Depending on how tight your resistance band is, you can either wrap the band around your foot or tie yourself a small loop. Extend the leg back pushing against the resistance in the band. Return your knee to the original position. Repeat 10-12 times on each leg. Muscle groups worked: Glutes, hamstrings and quads.

Tricep Extension

Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart. Hold onto one end of the band behind your upper back, dangling the band for your other hand to grab at your lower back. Firmly hold the band and pull it up above your head, extending your arm fully. Release the tension and lower your hand. Repeat this movement 10-12 times on each arm. Muscle groups worked: Triceps and shoulders. Commit to doing these simple movements with your resistance band 3 times a week and you'll soon notice you're getting a stronger and leaner body!
[GMG Originals]

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