Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice-Blood Money 17-Apr 29 2021 By Anna VonReitz

3 years ago

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 17 -- The Bond System April 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Before publishing this, I want people to fully grasp the fact that bonds are associated with "bondage" --- which always requires "performance". So bonds impose a form of servitude. Always. Bonds are not a good thing.
So when people get all excited and talk about the "value of bonds" what they are actually talking about is the value of someone's performance --- their labor, their talents, their intellectual property--- being exchanged for money for a period of years, and their obligation to perform upon the terms of those bonds.
When you are sold into bondage, someone gets a pay off and that someone is typically not you. You get the performance part of the deal only.
Many of you have read about the practice of "indentured servitude" --- a process by which people "bound themselves" to serve in a particular capacity for a number of years, typically seven (7) years, to pay off a debt. Many people came to this country as indentured servants (bonded servants) and worked off their debt and became free men.
Even slaves could, given the right opportunities and conditions, find means to earn "extra" money, and buy themselves out of slavery.
It is impossible to bond an American against their will, but we remain "free" to bond ourselves, which we have been "presumed" to do, as a result of the Birth Certification and underlying Registration process.
To be exact, the Perpetrators claim that our Mothers freely and voluntarily gave us up as Wards of the State-of-State British Crown Franchise operating our State Government "for" us. On an "emergency" basis, of course.
Millions of Americans know that this is total bunk and that our Mothers were never given full disclosure and that these innocent women were railroaded into signing these papers under color of law and in breach of trust, but that little fact is lurking like a Great White Shark, just under the surface of their system.
According to them, our Mothers signed us up and we continued to "voluntarily" participate when we reached the age of majority.
The fact that the purported contract was signed when we were just babies and therefore totally "unconscionable" to us, and never disclosed to our Mothers, either, is another point that the Perpetrators neglect to admit.

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