#45 Should Be Added To Mount Rushmore - 45

3 years ago

An Arizona Carnival was just randomly announced and placed near the audit location to start Monday. Rudy Giuliani appears on Tucker in first TV interview since FBI raid. Florida passes election bill that would make changes to mail voting. Florida House just passed a bill that removes all tax dollars from going to the NCAA or any other business/organization that boycotts the state. More Than 200 Seattle Police Officers Quit Citing 'Anti-Police' Climate. 12 Armed FBI Agents Kick Down Door of Couple's Home Looking For Pelosi's Laptop - Turns Out it Was a Case of Mistaken Identity. Sen. Manchin (D-WV) says he doesn't support the D.C. statehood bill. Interesting interview with Ken Bennett, AZ Audit Director (video). Three Lawfare Groups Petition Biden DOJ to Shut Down Maricopa County Forensic Audit. Three Lawfare Groups Petition Biden DOJ to Shut Down Maricopa County Forensic Audit. Fox News Parts Ways With Anchor That Was Previously Criticized by Trump. HUGE! Tennessee Will Require Watermarks On Absentee Ballots. Our Incredible Journey is only just beginning -DJT 01/07/21 (video). Supreme Court Tosses Democrats Lawsuits Seeking Access To Trump Finances. GOP leaders threaten Cheney ouster. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Sues Biden Administration.


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