Dobermann is dangerous

3 years ago

Physical Traits
Dobermans are built to work in a personal protection roll. Because of this, it’s easy to see how many people see them as potentially overly aggressive and dangerous. Just looking at these dogs can strike fear into many people, and frankly, it’s understandable.

They have many physical features that were originally bred into these dogs to help them perform their desired role. These are some of the physical traits that help them excel in the role of personal protection.

Large: These dogs are on the larger side, but not so big that their size will interfere with their agility. Males average between 75 to 100 pounds and 26 to 28 inches tall, while females average between 60 to 90 pounds and 24 and 26 inches tall.
Muscular Build: With low body fat and a muscular build, they’re built for speed, strength, and stamina. In fact, they can run up to 40 mph and maintain these high speeds for an impressive length of time—thank you greyhound genes!
Broad Powerful Chest: A broad muscular chest is perfect for hitting large prey hard and taking them to the ground.
Proud Posture: Dobermans have a unique posture that makes them stand out from other breeds. They sit tall, alert, calm, and proud. They are known for looking people directly in the eyes and not breaking eye contact.
Blunt Wedge Shaped Head: The head itself is considered to be a blunt wedge shape, but a large portion of the head’s profile view is taken up by the dog’s powerful jaws and large mouth.
Cropped Ears: Traditionally, Dobermans have cropped ears that stand straight up. There are many reasons for this, but some of the original purposes of the erect, cropped ears were to help locate the source of sound during guard work and to eliminate a potential handhold on the dog and prevent damage during a fight. Erect ears are more difficult to grab than floppy ones.
Short Sleek Coat: Their sleek short coats certainly makes the dog more difficult to hold onto or control in a fight.
Docked Tail: Their natural tails are long, thin, and prone to breaking. Thes tail also provides another way for a potential attacker to get ahold of the dog. This is why they traditionally have docked tails.
These physical traits make the Doberman have a distinct look that often strikes fear into people who aren’t familiar with the breed. These dogs are very often incredibly gentle and not as dangerous as they look. Unfortunately, this unique combination of physical characteristics make them the perfect “villain dog” in movies and television, and they’re often portrayed as such.

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