What You Need to Know April 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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What You Need to Know April 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Back in the Old West on the American Frontier we suffered a rash of "snake oil salesmen". These unscrupulous and possibly deranged individuals got themselves a barrel of mineral oil, and as they traveled, they killed snakes and threw them in the oil barrel--- letting them decay, fangs, poison and all. They sold vials of the resulting decoction as a cure all tonic, and people bought it.

Believe it or not.

We look back on that and shake our heads, so proud of modern medicine.... and yet.... millions of people just lined up and let themselves be injected with a mixture of fetal monkey cells, cells from long-dead human babies, cancerous lung tissue cells, and bits of HIV. This melange of biological detritus was macerated and killed with industrial organic solvents and then injected into your arms as a vaccine.

Some things never change.

Gross ignorance on the part of the public and equally gross money-grubbing self-interest on the part of the purveyors of this modern day snake oil, have combined to poison literally millions of people, but it gets worse.

Along with all the other gunk being senselessly injected into the victims comes a little genetically engineered nanobot, a Messenger RNA payload.

This little gem high-jacks your cells' ability to manufacture proteins, but instead of manufacturing proteins that your body needs, your cells will now be producing mass quantities of a dead foreign viral protein instead.

This protein is less than worthless to your body, but large quantities of nutrients will be consumed making it anyway, and it will build up in your bloodstream, where it will cause tiny blood clots. Then the geniuses responsible will give you "Warfarin" --- rat poison --- as the cure for the blood clots they caused.

Meanwhile, your body will be starved for the means to make proteins that it needs to live, and your immune system will be going bezerk trying to fight off this build up of toxic foreign protein in your body.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/04/what-you-need-to-know.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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