Hay Kids, Give me that. Let me try to catch it first.

3 years ago

1. What did the cat say when he lost all his money?

I’m paw!

2. Why are cats better than babies?

Because you only have to change a litter box once a day.

3. What did the alien say to the cat?

“Take me to your litter.”

4. Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle?

Too many cheetahs.

5. What is a cat’s way of keeping law and order?

Claw Enforcement.

6. Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of wool?

She had mittens.

7. What sports do cats play?


8. How many cats can you put into an empty box?

Only one. After that, the box isn’t empty.

9. A policeman in the big city stops a man in a car with a Siberian Lynx in the front seat. “What are you doing with that Siberian Lynx?” He exclaimed, “You should take it to the zoo.” The following week, the same policeman sees the same man with the cat again in the front seat, with both of them wearing sunglasses. The policeman pulls him over. “I thought you were going to take that cat to the zoo!” The man replied, “I did. We had such a good time we are going to the beach this weekend!”

10. Did you hear about the passenger who had to be escorted off the airplane?

She let the cat out of the bag.

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