Mr. Richard Gooding's Perfect Collection of Whisky | Documentary

3 years ago

Mr. Richard Gooding's Perfect Collection is provided by Whisky Auctioneer, and it is the world's largest private whisky collection by value and volume. This trailer sets the stage for Charles MacLean, Angus MacRaild, Becky Paskin, Jonny McMillan, and Mr. Gooding's friend and pilot, Kirk, to participate in such a historic and unparalleled whisky sale.

High Blood Pressure Cured In 9 Minutes
Is it possible to drop your high blood pressure below 120/80 in just 9 minutes?
Unbelievable…but the answer is YES!
Not only is it possible…thousands of people have done it already.
In fact, this little technique has become the #1 “underground” high blood pressure trend of the year. And we’re expecting it to become mainstream very soon.
What’s more…this method requires NO pills, supplements, diets, or strenuous workouts.
I explain this all here in today’s video…

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