10 Cute Animals That You Need to Run Away from

3 years ago

How to survive a wild animal attack? Some animals look harmless and cute, but they can easily kill you. Could you have ever imagined that some of the nicest-looking animals might seriously harm you? Take a look at 10 adorable but very dangerous animals. To make you feel a little bit better, we added a bonus.

Leopard Seal 0:41
Pandas 1:26
Swan 2:25
Anteater 3:08
Tasmanian devil 3:57
Elephant 4:46
Pufferfish 5:28
Poison dart frog 6:05
Dolphin 6:39
Slow Loris 7:30

- Leopard Seals have a very diverse diet: they eat krill, different kinds of fish, marine mammals and King and even Emperor penguins! So, basically, there is almost nothing they can’t eat!
- Pandas look so innocent and helpless that they became a symbol of peace and kindness. Their dark eyes make you want to hug them! However, you’d better not mess with a panda. If you accidentally cross its territory, a panda can seriously hurt you.
- There was even a case when a man drowned because of a swan attack. A bird charged the man’s boat and capsized it, and after the man tried to swim to the shore, the swan blocked him.
- Anteaters look rather scruffy and definitely harmless. However, pay attention to its claws. It mainly uses them to excavate food, but it won’t hesitate to use them to defend itself.
- Tasmanian devils are nocturnal animals which means that they only hunt at night. They have a perfect sense of smell and very good coordination, so it’s very difficult to see them.
- We see more and more human deaths caused by elephant attacks. It looks like a planned revenge. Now they are responsible for about 500 human deaths per year.
- You have probably heard about the famous Japanese mean called Fugu. This kind of dinner may be your last if the chef makes even the slightest mistake while removing the liver.
- There are a few types of poison frogs, and the level of toxicity varies. They can be yellow, copper green, red, blue and black, but the most dangerous kind is golden. It can easily kill ten adults if they touch it.
- Dolphins definitely have high intelligence, which, unfortunately sometimes results in harm. They don’t kill humans often, but we recommend thinking twice before approaching dolphins especially in the wild.
- Slow Loris is the only venomous primate in the world! If this cutie bites you, you should know that it wasn’t an accident.
- If you are really fond of cute animals, but they turn out to be outrageously dangerous, you can get toy versions of them. Such cute things will make your day better.

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