You Were Meant To Be - Matthew 10:39 - 11:30

3 years ago

Jesus concludes his instructions before sending his disciples out to preach.


Mt. 10:39 "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it."

* As “Uncle Joe” Murray said it, “Too many people are trying to ‘get saved’ instead of trying to get lost.”

* Jesus was warning his disciples for the last time, “Deny yourself and deal in a righteous way with loved ones who refuse the truth I am sending you to preach. Do not try to be your own comforter. Say what I have given you to say without respect of persons. Do not love friends and relatives more than me. Friendship with those who are not called by my Father is enmity against God.”

Mt. 10:40 “He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the One who sent me."

* This applies only to the ones God sends. Jesus was not talking about seminary graduates or Doctors of Divinity, or “experts” in religion, or anyone else that God has not anointed and sent.

*Prestigious titles and positions impress and intimidate the flesh, but they mean nothing to the Spirit of God. Live in the Spirit!

* One of the quickest ways to “get on God’s good side” is to bless one of His children, especially His ministers.

* Like everybody else in Israel, whether righteous or wicked, John expected an earthly kingdom, and was greatly puzzled and disappointed that Jesus had not used his miracle-working power to get rid of the Romans and make Israel great again (so to speak).

* John the Baptist was not in the kingdom of God, for “the kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17), and the Spirit was not yet given.

* If you have received grace from God, only those who also have received His grace will recognize His grace on you.

* The poor and down-and-out are aware that they don’t count for anything in society, but Jesus revealed that the high and mighty of earth don’t count for anything, either.

* Nobody on earth, not even the most intelligent of men, knows God unless Jesus chooses to reveal Him to a person. And there is no other way to know God. But note, especially, that after Jesus said what he said in Mt. 11:27, he didn’t say something like, “I am important, but you are not.” Instead, he invited us to come and learn of God with him!

* The “rest” that Jesus promised in Matthew 11:28 is evidenced by the “stammering lips” and “another tongue” of Isaiah 28:11. That the Lord, through Isaiah, was foretelling of the holy Ghost speaking in tongues through the saints is confirmed by Paul when he wrote (1Cor. 14:21-22), “In the law it is written, ‘With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people. . . .’ Wherefore tongues are for a sign . . . to them that believe not.”

* You will never find a better way to live than the way Jesus has made for you.
(1) He puts it in your heart to want to do what is right.
(2) Then, He gives you strength to do what He put in your hearts to want to do.

* A cleansed heart is a miracle.

* Every feeling you have ever had to pray was God offering you a blessing.

* Every desire you have ever had to read the Bible was God inviting you to get to know Him .

* Every thought you have ever had to do good for a child of God in need was God making a way for you to be more like Him.

* Every time you have ever regretted doing wrong was God loving you and calling for you to come rest beneath His wing.

* There is no other reason that God does anything but that He loved you and wanted to do good for you.

* You are no mistake, and you are not just a number to your heavenly Father. You are His child, and He loves you.

* You, the body of Christ, are the point. God loves you, the congregation, more than He loves any individual in it, “whether Paul, or Apollos, or Peter”.

Scriptures referenced in this video:

Jeremiah 1:4-8
Ezekiel 3:7-9
Malachai 4:5-6
Luke 1:13, 17

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