Mid-Week News Blitz

3 years ago

Audio Podcast Version: [https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2021/04/28/mid-week-news-blitz]

Join Our Telegram Channel! [https://t.me/freedoms_faction]

Seems like April is the month of shake-ups and switch-ups, because in this edition of the podcast, it resembles nothing like the previous shows we’ve done. That’s right, this is a shotgun transmission! Due to increased personal responsibilities, I missed this week’s Crew Cast which typically takes place on Tuesday’s, and so, as conciliation, this transmission occurred!

While on Tuesday’s we’re used to the IG Crew or audience members from all over the world joining us to discuss the waterfront, with this week’s News Blitz, I decided to jump in feet first. We’re covering the news as it comes in, with no particular order in how the article are collated. The idea is to create a more casual attempt at receiving the information and discussing the agendas.

This is, by no means, a substitute or even an alternative to our weekly schedule shows, but it is a step in that direction. Typically, we interact with our audiences on Tuesday, but this provided for us and opportunity to keep messing around with the operations configuration. Keep in mind that because we are experimenting, you’re bound to hear a few things that aren’t what you’re expecting; I get cut off a couple times, and some videos don’t play, but that’s alright, it’s a part of the process.

Let me know what type of shows you like! Do you miss our IG Lives? How about the Crew Casts? Do you prefer having topics grouped together or do you prefer the free flow discussion over the wide variety of topics?

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