5 Hacks To LAST LONGER In Bed (Cure Premature Ejaculation)

3 years ago

Erectile dysfunction ka ilaaj.Premature Ejaculation is totally a Psychogenic Condition. Premature Ejaculation Needs treatment by medicines & Psychotherapy Premature Ejaculation Can also be treated by couple therapy & Sex Counselling Psychogenic Impotence or erectile dysfunction Or organic Importance may be due to Various Causes. Erectile Dysfunction Can be treated by Sildanafil, Tadalafil, Verdanefil For Erectile Dysfunction Many Psychotherapies are helpful. Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation are associated together in many patients. Masturbation does not cause Erectile Dysfunction or Premature Ejaculation Night fall/might Discharge does not cause Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation Can affect any age group Erectile Dysfunction When in young it is mostly Psychological In Older People E.D is due to some organic cause.Masturbation does not cause any weakness, weight loss, tiredness confusion, memory loss etc. Masturbation is not bad. Nocturnal Emissions does not cause Premature Ejaculation & Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence.•

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