Why I love living in Florida

3 years ago

This video is I guess a rant but also my coming out. I have always said very little about my political views and my innermost thoughts on the subject. But I finally have let loose a little in this video that shows my support for President Trump.

Biden will never be my President. He is an idiot and one of the leftist elites that are trying to tear down this country. He is tearing down everything that Mr. Trump has built for us. "we the people."
I have been saying that all these Senators and Congressmen do not have our best interest at heart for a very long time. They keep getting richer off of us and we are all struggling to make ends meet. They are using Covid as a way of controlling us. Please stop watching or listening to MSM. They are fake news and only letting you see and hear what they want you to hear.

Start doing your own research and follow people who are true patriots and want our Republic back. For the Government does work for us, period.
Some people to follow are:


Especially look up on Rumble:
X22 Report



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