Daddy Is Speaking, To The One Who Is Brokenhearted

3 years ago


We all long for love; we all look for love because God created us for fellowship. He created us to be loved and to love. As he made it clear to Adam, “It is not good for man to be alone;” Genesis 2:18

In this fallen world all of us have been broken by sin, which has wounded and crippled our capacity to love. It is only until you meet the Man of Love that you are transformed, changed, and healed.

You see, hurt people, hurt people; and no one can give you what they don’t have. True, pure love comes from God; and if they don’t know Him, they do not really have love. So, you go through a string of relationships of hurt people hurting you; and you, a hurt person, hurting others. It is the vicious cycle of brokenness and sin, yet again.

Every time you gave yourself to another person intimately and the relationship was broken, you were left with more pain than you began.

You were left with more empty promises, lies about your identity, lies about your appearance, and lies about your worth. You gave them your heart and they gave you another pit to yet bury all your pain, your wounds from the past, and your insecurities; creating a graveyard upon your heart where tombstones of love are now dead, where life once use to be.

Beloved one, you have been looking for the perfect companion, the perfect friend, the perfect soul mate. One who will never betray your trust, never reject you, who will always be faithful, who will respect your boundaries and protect your purity until marriage. One who you can lean on, trust their every word, and show you how to love again, hope again, and believe again. One who you can entrust your heart to, your deepest secrets, insecurities, and pains of the past without fear of judgment or rejection. One who you need not be ashamed, as He stands before your accusers drawing the line in the sand saying, “Is there no one to condemn you? Neither do I condemn you: get up and sin no more.” John 8:11

He will turn your ashes into beauty, pick you up, clothe you with His righteousness, and wed you to Himself; hide you under the bridal veil until the spouse He has chosen for you comes to Him asking for your hand in marriage. And He gives you away as a loving Father, to another who also has been healed and hidden in Him.

God the Father begins,

“My beloved child, my arms are wrapped around you as your tender Father. You are my most tender one for I created you that way so you would have my heart. You have been broken by the world, you have been broken by friends and you have been broken by relationships. As you continue to see in a mirror that is all cracked, in pieces. What you see as fragments I see as beautiful shards that have cut you so deeply and wounded you but will turn into beautiful scars that will tell a story. The story of my mercy in your life. Be not ashamed my beloved one, I am calling you to hide yourself in my love. Allow my love to envelop you and clothe you into the confident, courageous, and bold child I have called you to be. What you need is a Father’s love, and I am here now. No longer look to anyone else to sustain the love you seek. For the ones who come are broken too and you cannot give what you don’t have. Allow my Son to be your spouse, your friend, and the lover of your soul in the most purest way. You see broken, and I call you beautiful. You are Mine and I am calling you out into the desert so that I may speak to my beloved’s heart. These next few months I will begin to set you apart.

Do not be alarmed by this but count every loss as gain. As I am bringing you into a season of hiddenness in me. That is where I do my greatest work as you will be hidden from the eyes of men but shining brightly before me. Trust me my beloved one, in this time. For it’s in the wilderness that I do my greatest work on souls as you find your love in me alone and fall back in love with me and who I called you to be. I want to heal your heart, restore to you the joy of your salvation, and endow you with much wisdom and discernment from above. For you will need that in the time ahead and what I have called you to do. Trust your beloved child to me, even now I am doing a great work in his heart and that of your ex. I am good, very good. I will restore to you all the broken places in your soul, and those who have hurt you will come with reconciliation to amend their hurtful ways towards you. Let go and trust me in this new season. Come my beloved one and let me wipe away all your tears, all your fears, and all the insecurities that burden you. You are my delight, my Heaven on earth, come…

Your Daddy is Speaking”.

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