3 years ago

Shedding vs. Transmission

Drs. Larry Palevsky, Sherri Tenpenny, Lee Merritt, Carrie Madej, Christiane Northrup

Unprecedented situation: Reports from thousands of women throughout the world.

Bleeding disorders: Women bleeding “for weeks”, periods or vaginal bleeding in post-menopausal, some passing “large clots”, clots in pregnant women, miscarriages, bloody noses, bruising on the legs of those exposed to those who were “vaccinated”, blood clots in MEN…things that “make no Sense”!

Speculation on what is happening, Dr. Christiane Northrup: A report from LIFESITE News entitled: “Thousands of reports of menstrual irregularities, reproductive dysfunction following COVID vaccines.” The Media has focused on Blood CLOTS, but a menstrual cycle of once/month is considered “normal” and we already KNOW that Polysorbate 80, which is in these shots, can adversely affect and/or shutdown ovarian function in RATS. We also know that many, many women have become Infertile as a result of the Gardasil® vaccine. Pheromones, secreted by the sweat glands in the pubic area and in the armpits, are what “regulate” women’s cycles are WHY (we think) that women have periods at the same Time when living in close proximity. The reports that we’re getting is not only SWELLING of the genitals, erectile dysfunction in males, scrotal swelling, breast irregularities—from the Yellow Card VOLUNTARY Program in England.

However, there is no DATA-Base for the symptoms which are occurring when one is simply “AROUND” someone who’s been injected. My opinion is that there’s some kind of a “bio weapon” that the body is secreting/transmitting from someone who’s had the shot. What we know, in FACT, is that this is not a “normal” immunization and that it is something the “causes the Body” to make a Synthetic Protein against a SARS COV2 Spike Protein. It’s never been seen previously and the body begins to “produce” it as a “factory” that doesn’t “SHUT OFF”…the body will CONTINUE to produce it! This protein can, theoretically, be in your saliva, urine, feces, sweat, seminal fluid, blood, flatus. So, when you’re AROUND a person, this is coming out of their BODIES and, possibly, adversely affecting THE MOST Delicate Hormonal System—the reproductory system. We know that it’s a very delicate and Complex system to both GET pregnant and to STAY pregnant. We KNOW that that Spike Protein Antibody cross-reacts with the enciten 1 and 2 and that is absolutely essential for the placenta, for fertilization and for maintaining a pregnancy.

We have women who are miscarrying, who are unable to get pregnant, they are having heavy bleeding—and we don’t know WHY. But my feeling about this is that Something is being “produced” by the Body of a “vaccinated” person that is possibly adversely affecting OTHERS and it is of great Concern to me.

Dr. Carrie Madej: I absolutely believe, just as Dr. Northrup does, that SOMETHING is happening with these people who are getting these injections. I have a slightly Different feeling about it because, at least with the Moderna and the Pfizer “vaccines”, one of the Key Components is the Nano-Lipid Particles, which are a brand-new technology on Humanity. It’s pretty much little, tiny “computer bits” that can actually be “nano-bots”, or, another word is “hydrogel.” Inside of those two “vaccines” is this sci-fi kind of Substance.

That has Concerned me from the very Beginning because that Substance can do MANY Different things. What the Drug Manufacturers are TELLING us is that they’re Using that substance because the Body is very Intelligent and that it KNOWS when something is “not from ‘Nature’” and it would Destroy this “synthetic ‘Code’” that’s being injected into the body Right Away! So, they had to figure out a way to “Trick” our bodies into Accepting a synthetic code. They came up with this “nano-lipid particle” that Surrounds it. Their “reasoning” is that it’s an “on-Demand, Drug DELIVERY system” that suppresses our Immune “checkpoints” so that it can get into the Cell. But they’ve never SAID what HAPPENS “after the Drug is DELIVERED” because we KNOW that this substance can LAST for many, many YEARS…who knows HOW long in the Body. It serves many purposes; first of all, it’s on-Demand in the body so that it can be “triggered” at any moment to “deliver the ‘Payload’.” Number 2, and very Importantly, it can be used as “bio-sensors” in the Body. Because it is something Synthetic, it actually has the ability to Accumulate DATA from your Body—breathing, emotions, thoughts, etc. So it has been proposed to USE that substance for that. Why am I bringing this up? Because this substance is like “little bits of ‘computers’ in your body”, it has the Ability to act through WiFi! It can Transmit and Receive energy, messages or frequencies or impulses. That “issue” has never been ADDRESSED by these Companies!

This is the first time that they’ve done this “large-scale.” We KNOW what happens to small groups of Military people because THAT HAS been studied. But just imagine that you’re getting this New Substance IN you and you can REACT to things all Around you—the 5G, your Smart Device, your phones. What’s HAPPENING with THAT? What if something like an impulse or frequency is “triggering” it? We have something Completely FOREIGN in the human body that has NEVER been Launched Large-Scale. And we are now seeing more 5G Cell-Towers going in—the school systems, the cruises, the hospitals. More and more of this EMF frequency is being put out.

My personal belief is that there’s something to do with EMF that’s being emitted, because, if these people have this INSIDE of them, it can act like an ANTENNAE and can actually TRANSMIT it Outwardly, as well. It’s a Theory of mine, but if you look up the RESEARCH on this subject, you’ll see under “hydrogel” that it Produces its own “Voltage”, which is an EMF. We KNOW that it will Produce THAT can of Effect.

The other thing that I want to mention is that I learn by “Patterns” and I Noticed a Pattern since coming back to Georgia in January. In some of the patients that I’ve seen, there is a NEW Pattern and I came up with a Reason why they were not “successfully Healing from X,Y, Z”—even in my Male patients that it was “radiation” or, at least, EMF “Toxicity.” We were measuring all of our PHONES and and I was FLOORED at the EMF that was coming off! It couldn’t even be calculated with a NUMBER—it was THAT FAR “over the ‘Range’”! This is MUCH MORE than when I measured it LAST Year!

If you look at what EMF Does to a HUMAN…a study of what happens when a man puts a laptop on his Lap. After just 15 minutes, his Sperm Count will DECREASE by 50%. And after 40 minutes of cell-phone-to-the-ear of a TEEN who’s young and HEALTHY, their RBC’s go from being bountiful and abundant and “swimming around” to going into long, “string-like” formation that is sticky and more prone to CLOTTING if this goes on for a time. And this is with an OLDER Phone, not a NEWER one….

So, just being AROUND this Abnormal Frequency—which is not Conducive to a human Body—is Destructive in MANY ways and we know that one of the FIRST things affected will be the Red Blood Cells, as they are very Sensitive to that. I’m concerned with the increase in the Greater Atlanta area that EMF is going up in recent times and also with what’s INSIDE the “vaccines”, as well.

Lee Merritt: The point about the “bio-weapon” is pertinent but that “takes about an HOUR” but I want to talk about what people are SEEING. We’re Not just seeing “Bleeding Problems”….I have a story about a woman who’s a Hair Dresser and she was the only person in her Salon who did NOT get “vaccinated", and she kept getting Sick for about 2 weeks after everyone else was “vaccinated” but it was Flu-like/COVID-like Symptoms. An older friend of an Ortho. colleague who took the J & J shot, had 3 days of Illness, his live-in, 88-year-old MOTHER—who did NOT take the shot—got COVID and DIED.

So I started thinking about “Mode of Acquisition” and I asked Judy Mikovits about “Shedding.” My problem with that is if we are JUST talking about the Spike Protein that is PART of the SARS COV2 Virus, one wouldn’t think, INITIALLY, that a Portion of a Virus is going to be “Transmissible.” Normally, cells go out through your breath and infect people, but this ISN’T the “Whole Virus”! So, one possibility is that it’s “Airborne.” Another possibility is that it could be Serum-Borne, but that doesn’t explain this guy’s MOTHER…. And then there’s also fecal/oral transmission, and I guess that THAT could Explain ALL of this. But we’re not being given the WHOLE Virus…this thing produces the Pathogen HEAD.

The other one that I thought about is “What’s the Definition of a ‘PRION’?” It’s a mis-Folded PROTEIN. The way that they “weaponize” the Spike Protein is that they, essentially, inserted a Gene into the Spike Protein and allows it to have a Foreign Cleavage and that can be changed, conformationally, to bind with your H2 Pathway. So, what you’re talking about is an artificial 3-D Confirmation. It sounds a Lot like a Prion to ME. That’s a self-replicating Protein that can be transmitted through Serum, for sure, and we don’t know HOW ELSE it’s transmitted. But it seems to be UNLIKELY since it takes YEARS, usually, to see “Prion” Disease.

It’s interesting to note that they call that bio-lipid/nano-particle lipid—stuff in which they encase the RNA “Matrix M.” The other thing About that, in terms of this Bleeding, and in terms of your Immune System, is that it turns out that the “Matrix M” also has the ADJUVANT and, by itself, it can “tune-up” your Immune System even WITHOUT a Pathogen! And PART of the Adjuvant is from the Bark of a South American tree, and they’re called Suponens. And I bring this up because when I look back at the original research when they tried to Develop “Matrix M”, they TALK about the Problem of BLEEDING! It Strips Erythrocytes of their Hemoglobin, changes the Confirmation of the Erythrocytes, it Damages the Endothelium and it causes Lymphocyte Destruction! So, there are a lot of “moving Parts” in this “vaccine” that COULD be the “Issue”!

I think what needs to be Said here is that we need to figure our “how it was Done”—just like in any good Crime that we’re trying to Solve. I Really think that TRANSMISSION is the ISSUE and I’m starting to think that the Spike Protein ITSELF can be Transmitted. And just looking at people who’ve taken the “vaccine”, I did my own study and looked word the words “bleeding” and words that were About “bleeding” and Thrombocytopenia in the VAERS. In a two-month period in the VAERS, I pulled out 358 Cases. When you read them, you’re hearing EXACTLY what you guys are Talking about—abnormal menses, clots, large amounts of bleeding, unusual menses and ALL Types of Bleeding PROBLEMS: Brain bleeds, G.I. bleeds, bleeds from Old ‘SCARS’ or old Wounds that suddenly just start spontaneously Bleeding; men oozing blood from their LEGS.

One of the ways that they stopped Thalidomide is that they Recognized that it was a “Gradient of the Same PROBLEM.” It presented as “birth defects” but it wasn’t ONLY “Children with ‘no ARMS’”, it was a Gradient down to just little “rings ‘things’ on the fingers.”

So WHATEVER is DOING this, we’re seeing Clots, we’re seeing Bleeding, that COULD be what we’re talking about with the Suponens with the Endothelium, but, again, it Might just be the Spike Protein…. And I’d be curious to know how MANY of these Secondary Illnesses were due to people getting the J & J.

It Seems to be that we’re dealing with two different Technologies here—the DNA Technology vs. the RNA Technology. Have we sorted this out? Because we’ve just Started Hearing about this…. The Bleeding started EARLY-ON with ALL of them. The Pfizer and Moderna were the 358 Cases. I’m curious to see if the “Secondary Illnesses” that we’re seeing are from ALL of them or JUST from the J and J because that would likely have something to do with “Transmission.”

Larry Palevsky: I want to start with some pretty BOLD statements which is unlike me. First of all, this is NOT a “Vaccine”; this is NOT a “Vaccine”; this is NOT a “Vaccine”! A Vaccine is supposed to PROTECT us against a Bacterial or Viral Infection. There is Nothing in ANY of these Shots that is Designed to PROTECT us a Virus Infection. The “Authorities” SAY it, the Patents DESCRIBE it and Everyone who is Involved in the Making of these Injections with their “intention”, it was NEVER, ever Made to PROTECT us against a Viral Infection. As soon as we start to Realize that this is NOT what THIS IS, we Realize that everything AFTER that is a Complete and Utter LIE!

This is NOT a “Vaccine”! It is Not Designed to Protect us against a SARS COV2 Viral infection; therefore, it cannot Stop the TRANSMISSION of a SARS COV2 Virus because what’s IN the Shot is not Meant to PROTECT us from a SARS COV2 Viral Infection. Now, when we look at the Literature from 2020 and we see that people were getting illnesses of Blood Disorders, lack of Oxygen/Hypoxia, Lung Disease, Clotting Disease, Stroke, Hypertension/Hypotension, Loss of Taste/Smell, Neurological Issues, COVID Toes—this was NOT a “VIRAL ILLNESS”! This was the Clinical Presentation of the Poisoning of the Blood! And ALL of the Literature SHOWS that the Spike Protein of this So-Called “Virus” was Responsible for Causing ALL of these Symptoms—ALL of them!

This Spike Protein is Not a “Naturally-OCCURRING” thing! It is a Man-MADE WEAPON! It may attach to PART of a Virus—and who knows WHAT else—that “started the ball rolling” with people getting Sick. It was Never an Influenza-Like Disease and it was Straight Up a POISONING of the Blood. This Spike Protein could Attach to the Receptors ALL OVER the BODY—the brain, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the intestines, the sperm and the female reproductive system.

They found in the naturally-occurring, COVID “set of symptoms” that this Spike Protein was Responsible for what Made people SICK. So why, in God’s name, are we OKAY with Injecting something into the Body that’s going to cause ALL of us to MAKE Spike Protein—the very part of the so-called “Weapon” that was creating the Illness and the group of Symptoms in the First place…?? This is NOT a “Vaccine”!

If your Body is being given the Genetic Material to make a synthetic, Spike Protein, we have absolutely NO IDEA What the Body DOES when the Genetic Instructions get into the CELLS and Start MAKING Spike Protein. In fact, Dr. Tenpenny has Specifically found the Possibility that there are OTHER Pieces of mRNA that May be IN some of these Shots! So, when people ask if something is “Shedding”, we really don’t have ANY IDEA what’s IN these THINGS. We THINK that it’s Spike Protein but we have NO IDEA. But, if we go on the Fact that Spike Protein is being “manufactured” in the Factory, by the Cells of the Human Body, and we know that MAYBE if our OWN mRNA was in our cells, that WE would “turn-it-off” Ourselves. But we have no EXPERIENCE USING an injected SYNTHETIC mRNA “Instructions” as to whether or not OUR Bodies are going to Turn that ON or Turn it OFF as we “start the Factory” of MAKING the Spike Protein.

There is NO evidence—ZERO evidence, NO “Scientific Study” as to whether or not that Spike Protein Turns ON and STAYS on—or EVER “Turns OFF”! And we have NO evidence if the Body that’s getting Injected is Making the Spike Protein, is Exhaling it in Particles through the LUNGS, Spitting it Out through SALIVA, Urinating it out through the Urine, Sweating it out through Skin or putting it out through GAS or STOOL. We have NO IDEA! But what we HAVE is a Massive PROPAGANDA of GENOCIDE because They don’t HAVE to Inject EVERYONE to get the RESULTS that they’re Looking for…. Because NOW we see that those people who are Getting INJECTED are Actually the LEPERS, the Pariahs, and are, actually, making HEALTHY people who have never been Injected Get COVID Symptoms, Bleeding (which was part of the COVID Illness itself), Miscarriages and Death!

This is NOT a “Vaccine”! PLEASE Stop CALLING it a “Vaccine.” As Dr. Madej said, the nano-lipid particles have never before been used in Injections and they’re capable of passing ANY material to which they’re attached into the BRAIN, the Heart, the Lungs, the Kidneys, the Liver, the Sperm and the Female Reproductory Systems. We’re in a Crap-Shoot and Russian-Roulette…we have NO ANSWERS as to WHAT is being Transmitted, HOW it’s being Transmitted and WE Should be UP IN ARMS. That’s why I said, “The Genie is Out of the Bottle”! Women are more In-Touch with what’s going on with their bodies than is anybody else and THIS is GENOCIDE! This is a Weapon of Mass Destruction and it is REQUIRING US to SPEAK UP!

There is a prominent Pediatrician in this Country who has “called me OUT” and actually DENIED that there is ANY “Shedding” in this Injection. That is Conjecture ONLY! There is SOMETHING that is being PASSED from people who have taken the Shot-Up with this Poison to OTHERS who’ve not taken the Shot. We should be Quarantining those People who have been INJECTED with this POISON!

The children who were not in the initial round of this Spike Protein Poisoning, probably because their ACE2 Receptors were probably not as prominent and not as ubiquitous to have been “attaching” to this Spike Protein, so their sense of “illness” was actually MINOR. All for a condition of Weaponization that had greater than a 99.7% Recovery Rate for the majority of the Public and in a Condition where we HAD Drugs, Nutritional Intervention, Medical Interventions, Ozone, Hyperbarics, Iodine, Hydrogen Peroxide, Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Inhaled Steroids and OTHER Interventions that not only PREVENTED this Illness from HAPPENING but Treated people who were SICK and actually Prevented DEATH in large Populations where doctors were able to GET to their Patients and Treat them and PREVENT them IN TIME! This is SERIOUS! I’m not mincing Words.

I really think that we should start calling for the “Vaccinated” to be Quarantined and to have to wear a BADGE on THEIR arms so that WE Know to Avoid THEM “on the Street”! So that WE don’t go near THEM ANYWHERE in Society…!

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: We are hosting a very large TRAINING program on May 8th instructing people as the TWENTY Mechanisms of Injury from the Spike Proteins.…We’ll drill-down into one or two and go in-depth in the teachings. (Registration will be ready in the next two days.)
All four shots, including Astra-Zeneca, make a Spike Protein and an ANTIBODY to the Spike Protein.

The Spike Protein can break-through the Blood-Brain Barrier, Manipulate your Genes, Modify Proteins in your Brain, can Cause Pulmonary Hypertension, Cardiovascular Problems—and we don’t really KNOW if it can’t be spread from person-to-person. What we DO know is that when the J & J shot first came out people RAN to it. I’ve said from the beginning that the J & J is the “worst of the three, so far.” (”Oh, and there are 89 OTHER Vaccines, almost “ready-to-go”!) The J & J shot is an Adenovirus shell that has a _____-gene on the inside of it—50 BILLION little particles of Adenovirus get INJECTED into your arm. Adenovirus is a “common cold” virus and I suspect that part of the big SHEDDING process is through J & J and that Adenovirus can just migrate into your lungs when you’re simply BREATHING. To me, that makes a pretty common-sense TRANSMISSION (not a “shedding) of what was injected into your arm. No, I don’t approve of that. But if you breathe-in somebody else’s Adenovirus that has that little Genetic Material, well…. You know that they’re already looking at Intra-NASAL injection where they’ll shoot it up your nose and it’ll get attached to your Olfactory Nerves and go DIRECTLY into Your BRAIN and RELEASE that Genetic Material INTO your Brain!

And remember that it’s not Shedding, it’s Transmission. And it could be like Dr. Madej was talking about—that they “resonate” differently to the 5G EMF’s, so maybe THAT’S what is “shedding” is that it carries with it some EMF-type Properties. We don’t really KNOW but all of it is within the area of “logical conjecture” that’s done with “critical thinking.”

A lot of people have been using Ivermectin. I think that Ivermectin is great. There are no “Side Effects” and no Complications and it’s been used for more than 60 years. And both it and HCQ work against Viruses by two specific Mechanisms of Action. HCQ binds to the Sigma I and Sigma II Proteins whereas Ivermectin BLOCKS the SPIKE PROTEIN and it blocks the BINDING to the ACE Receptors on the surface of all of your Cells. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties. I think that since we still don’t know yet exactly what this “shedding” thing IS, to ME it makes SENSE to be on BOTH HCQ and Ivermectin—perhaps in alternating WEEKS.

We prescribe Ivermectin in our Office by the patient’s Weight and we give One pill/Every-OTHER Week. If you are at risk of high exposure (working in Health Care) we recommend one pill/Week.

The dose of HCQ could be 400 mg 3x/week and given every/other week.

More important than ANYTHING else is to know your Vitamin D Level—get it TESTED! Zinc level needs to be between 7 and 12. And it’s really important to take Quercetin, which is plant-based antioxidant that “drives the Zinc into the cells.” And ALSO use some Colloidal Silver—very Sparingly. Maybe rinse-and-spit; sniff a bit up your nose, use it on your hands. Remember, it kills the GOOD guys AND the BAD guys, so don’t use much of it. Remember, Health is an Inside-Out Phenomenon; we “swim” in STUFF all the time. The Difference is that the Stuff that we’re “swimming in” NOW is BIO-Weapons Stuff and it’s been release upon the whole Planet.

It makes more sense to me that it’s something that’s transmitted “airborne” like the Adenovirus rather than something special via oral/fecal. The AstraZeneca shot is make from Chimpanzee Adenoviruses.

In our combined experience of over 100 years in Medicine, we’ve NEVER seen a case of Cerebral Vein Thrombosis and now, in less than 4 MONTHS, we’ve seen more than 250 reported CASES!

Dr. Christiane Northrup:
Keeping ourselves SANE during this: Keep a positive ATTITUDE and Mind-Set, RESIST. We need to be very Clear about doing what we can to take care of OURSELVES—and it means being around the right kind of MUSIC AND the right kind of PEOPLE!

As for Morgellons: Taking a BATH in 1/2 of a ML of Organic BATH SOAP and ALFALFA Pellets for Hamsters. Lie down in this HOT bath and you can see the NANO-BOTS LEAVE your BODY and GO to the Alfalfa! (This can be clearly seen if you use a Black Light!) THEN, you immediately take a SHOWER in Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap. Lather-up Twice; it’s a Universal ANTIDOTE. Then, while wearing gloves, you take all of the Alfalfa Morgellons OUT of your bathtub and dispose of them. And Remember that these AI Particles THRIVE on NEGATIVITY, FEAR and ANGER. I feel that this IS our MOMENT!!! Our fertility as a Human RACE is at Risk here and we need to get into “Inspired Action” rather than into action that’s “all over the place.”


Dr. Larry Palevsky: It’s important for the NON-VACCINATED to get together in PERSON. One of the Reasons for the Lockdown was to Prevent people from CONGREGATING and amassing enough STRENGTH in a REBELLION to FIGHT-BACK!! One of the reasons for the MASKS is to “keep people APART”! Doctors for World Ethics and World Doctor’s Alliance are mobilizing and we are supporting each other. I think that our Leaders are NOT our “leaders” but our RULERS! We have lost our Congress, our Government, our Media, our Courts, our Medical Institutions.

We need to stop asking THOSE people to PROTECT us! We need to take the Protection onto our OWN SHOULDERS and that Requires us to Turn to our own inner Authority—where our power really IS!

Dr. Carrie Madej: Start a freedommeetup.org and physically get together at least ONCE/WEEK. Hugging, praying, cooking and singing together and it’s a FREQUENCY WAR. We’ve been LIED to about REALITY. We are Spiritual beings and we ALWAYS learn to OVERCOME! It’s a hard war because it’s in our MINDS! The Executive Brand ANSWERS to FEMA in our Country, due to the Emergency Act that we are in, our “government” does not EXIST as we know them. It doesn’t matter WHO is “in power.”

Our medicine, in the last 5-10 years, took a very DARK turn so don’t expect THEM to come up with a “magic Cure”, either! And use Bentonite-Clay BATHS, which are great, as well.

Dr. Christiane Northrup: You’re right about those Meetings!

Dr. Lee Merritt: Kind of in the category of “Praise-the Lord and pass the Ammunition.” Remember, a very small number of people “at the top” are ORGANIZING this thing and “pulling the STRINGS.”
Quote from 2000 from “the Policy for the New American Century”: “Advanced Forms of biologic warfare that could target specific genotypes may transfer biological warfare from the realm of terror to a ‘politically-useful TOOL.’” That’s their Exact WORDS! Who would think that Bio-Weapons are a “politically-useful TOOL”? And the answer is PSYCHOPATHS!! And you’re not going to stop Psychopaths with argument or good Feelings and, at some point, you have to take-down the Industrial Organization that is bringing it TO us.

In WWII, if we had known about the Schwering Ball-Bearing Plant in Germany…that was a linchpin that if we’d have taken it down, every German tank, car and plane would have ceased to MOVE! But we didn’t Know that that was the linchpin. It’s interesting in THIS situation how BADLY the DON’T want us to KNOW about TREATMENT. They don’t want us to KNOW about HCQ and Ivermectin and I think that there’s a REASON here—because THAT is the Linchpin!

If we want to take away the FEAR of the Psy-Op, we have to somehow protect people’s ABILITY to GET those Medications. And we need to take off the MASKS because that is a “Control” thing! This is a National Security Issue that we need to consider because if “they” take out 150M of us, there’s not stopping China or Russia from coming in and taking-out the REST of us. We have to WAKE up the SHEEPLE!! We have to make them REALIZE that they are “coming for YOUR children” and one of the things that we need to look at is, “ARE YOU WORKING in an INDUSTRY that’s HELPING to BRING this to US???” If you ARE involved in this, you will not SURVIVE this! “They” never “SPARE the COPPOS”!

Stopping the IMMUNIZATIONS is the FIRST step—keeping people from being VULNERABLE to the NEXT step….of MERS, for example, or SMALLPOX? MERS is FAR more deadly than THIS “psy-op”! Can we treat Smallpox with these new treatments? Because Smallpox is 60% FATAL and we KNOW that it’s in the LABS!

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