Aladay Mobile Media Travel Update

3 years ago

This week Aladay Mobile Media takes the show on the road as they say...Follow our adventures as we journey West....
Be sure to tune in to our new Podcast Series...What's Going on in Your Corner of the World...Our first interview will be wqith someone that attended The Freedom Conference in Tulsa Oklahoma. We'll share their take on how the event went.
Would you like to share something with everyone from your corner of the world?? Whether Politics, Your favorite food, perhapps you want to plug your new adventure into the music industry or talk about how the NWO is encroaching on your corner of the world. WQe'd love to hear from you and let everyone know What is going on in Your Corner of the World...

As  with all Independent Journalist folks we can use a helping hand. If you can make a  contribution to assist in keeping the lights on please go to my website and use the donate feature in the right sidebar. Thank you 
Please visit our website and let us know what you think. You may also use the paypal features for donations or other inquiries.  
For information on Assisting with Convention of States:

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