3 years ago

We cannot begin to comprehend what it will be like when Jesus Calls us home. In, 'I Am Looking For Jesus' Coming', I tried to relay my feelings in simple terms, as I consider that 'day'. I wrote this song in 1987, and it was included on '30th Anniversay of I Want Us To Be Together In Heaven' CD, compiled in 2003, released by SonSound. How do you explain the events to come? First, the 'calling away' of Believers into heaven...then, after the tribulation on earth, the 'physical' return of Jesus, together with us...all on white horses...for the 'Millennial Reign of Christ'. We don't know the hour He is coming...but, scripture teaches, 'even a common man can see the red sky and know there's a storm coming'. The world looks pretty 'stormy' to me! I was asked by a 'teen'... "It's not fair that my friend says she's 'Born Again', is not living 'right', and is going to heaven." My response... "God is Just! If she is truly 'Born Again', yes she will go to heaven...but...we will be rewarded by our 'Faithfulness to God on Earth', by our 'appointed position' during the Millennial Reign of Christ when He comes back to Earth...and I wouldn't want to spend 1,000 years SHOVELING HORSE POOP, would you?" Well, would you?

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