💜🤔😍🙏 [Relieve Anxiety, Relax, Meditate, Be Happy, Be Strong - Fortune Cookie Meditation Channel]

3 years ago

Welcome to Fortune Cookie Meditation channel. We are happy you’re here. [Relieve Anxiety, Relax, Meditate, Be Happy - Fortune Cookie Meditation Channel]Anxiety affects us all during these challenging times, in fact, I don’t know anyone who hasn’t felt anxious during this pandemic – some more than others, but all, nonetheless. Most of us know strategies to relieve anxiety. We can give good advice to a friend on their stress level but may not be able to self-prescribe the remedy. This video is here to help you find a place of calm, to practice mindfulness techniques and clear your mind of all worry. A daily meditation practice can help you feel more in control while relinquishing control of all the chaos that surrounds us. In times like this, it is more important than ever to focus on the things you can control. As a reminder, you can control your breath, your actions and your response to external stressors. Don’t believe me? Start with a daily meditation practice. Start with focusing on your breath. Start with closing your eyes, taking long deep breaths and exhaling. When you find your mind wanting to chew on something, invite that thought to go while you allow your mind to be free of all and any thoughts that can cause you stress.

That’s it. Daily meditation can relieve you of anxiety. Do yourself a favor and try it for a month and see how you feel. 30 days of meditation can dramatically relieve your anxiety. You can do it. You will see results.


Fortune Cookie Meditation channel. Two new videos are released every week with the intent to help you balance your energy, body and mind. You may enjoy the nature sounds for your yoga meditation or to drift off to a peaceful sleep. Let us provide you with proven ways to relax, unwind, meditate and cleanse your mind.


Quote of the day: “Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.” ~Charles Spurgeon


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