Your End Is Your Beginning

3 years ago

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The future is something every human being thinks about. Not the kind of future where one makes plans, has deadlines, and appointments. I am talking about the kind of future that no one can plan for. How many have made plans for a something in the future, only to have it all fall apart at the end? How many people have planned for a retirement only to die before they were able to enjoy it? I can go on and on because the planning for anything future is out of our hands when it comes down to it.

Though we read and know by heart that beautiful verse in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end," the future still brings great fear. After all we are still mortal beings, and we feel everything. The enemy as well is at work very much in the lives of people. Continuously breathing down the necks of many with suggestions of terrible things that might happen.

And yet there are real fears that people have that are not of the enemy. Regarding the future, many live their lives wondering about tomorrow, next year, ten years, fifty years with a million mental scenarios and outcomes. They are "driven by the fierce winds" of future terror and they can never find peace from day to day. They live to the end in building up walls for the "what-if's" until they pass away their entire lives away. Never resting their futures into the hands of God Himself.

Corrie Ten Boom said, "Trust your unknown future into the hands of a known God." Amen. Your life is precious to God, and He made promise that He will Author and Finish your life. In fact Paul says, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."

Much of the way in this life is painful, and it is hard. But as one goes along, they will see that He never leaves them in those hard places for long, and always brings them out. Then they are changed, and become beautiful as they are being prepared for an eternal future, one that has no end. Trust your future in the hands of Him who purchased you. For He will turn for you your mourning into dancing: He will put off your sackcloth, and gird you with gladness; To the end that your glory may sing praise to Him, and not be silent. You will give thanks unto the Lord God forever."

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