Primary Water > There is No Scare City!

3 years ago

Primary Water is our lifeblood. It covers the Flat Earth. There is NO ScareCity!

Deborah Tavares interviews Pal Pauer, founder of Primary Water Institute. An excellent explanation of how water "works”, and a compelling chart.

Have we been hoaxed again? Private, or government, control over water is complete control of our lives. Your ability to grow & control what you eat will be gone.

Precious drinking water is contaminated... vax’d!

Proof in movies... "Mad Max Fury Road", a shortage of water prevails across the plane. Not enough for the people... At the end... you are shown endless water!!

Tapping the "infinite" Source of Life is essential! It is First Water. Not endlessly recycled, purposely contaminated, pharmhazardized and chemicalized to make you think it's "clean", and "safe".

Water is life... A small number of days without it means certain death.

Israel would not be a thriving country had they not found an ocean of infinite water! Lybia’s Gaddafi, piped first water through huge culverts. Vast amounts of Primary Water flowed around his country, created a thriving, modern Oasis in the desert, for his people.

He exposed endless water and attempted to put their money on a gold standard. He paid the ultimate price! Primary water sousrce was destroyed!

There is NO shortage of water! Primary Water is Everywhere on this Flat Earth!

There is no Scare City of OIL either! The bullshit never ends...

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