This village lives in one of the coldest places on Earth –90 ° C 😱😱

3 years ago

Our planet is an incredible place to live, as it offers us the most extreme contrasts. From places surrounded by water, deserts and even extremely hot or cold climates. This is the village of Oymyakon, Russia, where temperatures reach –50 ° C. New Zealand photographer Amos Chapple is a true lover of challenges, so he decided to travel more than 10,000 miles to portray the lives of the 500 inhabitants of this piece of land in Siberia. People here eat frozen meat and leave their cars running 24 hours a day. The village is 926km from the nearest town, which means that it would take two days to reach by car. The photographer was visiting the region during the month of January 2014, and managed to capture the dark and cold essence of the city. Oymyakon is a place where darkness occupies 21 hours a day. The temperature revolves around –58 ° C and in 1993 it reached the record of –90 ° C, thus gaining the title of the coldest place on the planet. The people who inhabit this place are used to following some rules of survival. Latrines need to be used, as plumbing tends to freeze and cars need to be in air-conditioned garages or stay on all the time. The plantation cannot survive in this place, so the diet of the locals is based on meat. Frozen reindeer meat, fish and cubes of horse blood are the favorite dishes. With some of the people that Chapple was able to talk to, they told him that alcoholism is very common in this place, because alcohol helps people to get hotter. Chappel himself suffered the consequences of the cold, as his own camera froze. To defrost the device and keep it warm, he had to keep it inside his coat. During his working hours, he says he had to hold his breath when taking a photo, since the steam coming out of his mouth made it impossible to see if the photos had been good. On one occasion he tried to get a panoramic photo of the city as quickly as possible, as it was almost unbearable to be without gloves. And his thumb almost froze, and even a week later his finger was still aching and red as if it had been burned.

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