God is good all the time 178: The Bump in the Road

3 years ago

Roads are interesting things. They get us from one point to another. When they are new they tend to be taken care of and they are smooth. So we are able to get where we are going with little inconvenience because things are going well. BUT when things are not kept up well there tends to become bumps in the road which jostle us all over the place.

Think about our faith walks, when things are going really well and we have no complaints because God is taking care of the little things for us. BUT what happens when we get our faith out of whack? Things don't run so smoothly any more until we get back to God and ask why and how do we fix it. Well come and let's take a look at what that means to us now.

And as usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to chat:

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Check out my friend Dakota Orebaugh a fantastic young man of God and very insightful:


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