John Roedel poem, 'Just getting started' with God. Signed by Lance of ASL Patriot Broadcast.

3 years ago

Another John Roedel poem, 'Just getting started' with God and John. Signed by Lance of ASL Patriot Broadcast.
Me: Hey God.
God: Hey John.
Me: I never get any of the things that I ask You for.
God: Like what?
Me: You know what they are.
God: Humor Me.
Me: Fine. I'd like a bank error that erases all of my crippling debt. And for a car that doesn't sound like a dying rhino every time I turn it on. And for the end of my depression. And for a stress free life. And for my book to be bought more.And for just one day where I don't feel like I'm a burden to the people in my life. And for a faith in You that is strong. And for a new brain that I don't feel trapped inside of. And for an in home chef who will prepare me gourmet waffles every morning. And for a body that looks more like Ryan Gosling and less like a mutant penguin. And for the feeling that I am not wasting my life.
God: That's quite the list.
Me: Oh, I'm just getting started.
God: Sometimes you treat our relationship like it is a negotiation.
Me: That's because there are so many holes in me that I need to fill.
God: I know. Don't confuse where you are in your life right now with where you will end up. Have patience.
Me: It's hard to have patience when it feels like I am on fire.
God: I understand. All will be well. Just hang on. The meaning of your suffering will be revealed to you in time.
Me: Ugh. Can't you just take it all away from me and let me become normal? Can't you just give me an easy life? If you just let me have those two things I won't bother You again.
God: You want Me to help you become "normal?" You want an easy life?
Me: More than anything.
God: Neither of those things are probably going to happen.
Me: Why?
God: Because I love You and I want your life to have meaning.
Me: Oh. about if your make it so I can have a endless taco bar built into my home?
God: John....
Me: I'm's just that I need more from You.
God: But I have already given you so much.
Me: Like what?
God: Like the air in your lungs. Or for your very next heartbeat. Or for the soft knowing smile from a baby being held by her mother that you stand behind in the checkout line of a grocery store. Or for the moonlight that shines above you to keep you company during the times when you have to go out into your backyard so your family doesn't see you cry. Or for the perfect song that shows up in your life at just the right time. Or for your eyes that have witnessed ten thousand miracles. Or for the countless warm summer breezes that have swaddled you up just when you needed them? Or for the people in your life who love you when you can't find it in you to love yourself? Or for the time you have been given in your life to chase the magic of your existence. Or for the free will you have to make your own choices. Or for the very fact that I created you out of nothingness in order to have this adventure and come to know Me.
Me: That's quite the list...
God: Oh, I'm just getting started.
~ john roedel

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