Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice-Blood Money 11-Apr 22 2021 By Anna VonReitz

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 11 -- Counterfeiting April 22, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

One way to look at the current situation is that we have taken possession of the Labor Bonds issued "in our names" by the DTC, which represented "the US Debt", and which on the flip side, from our perspective, establishes the American Credit.
Those of who have been following the logic already know that it is impossible for such a debt to exist without the equal generation of credit.
Each existing Federal Reserve Note of any denomination has a Serial Number and that Serial Number is attached specifically to the life estate of an American. The Labor Bonds were the basis of the issuance of that currency as a debt owed by the Municipal United States -- and that debt continues until it is offset.
The only way to offset it, is for it to be "redeemed".
Someone has to walk into a bank and exchange it for our new currency, which will be based on spending down the pre-paid credit. That is, the new currency will be a credit certificate, not a debt note. As the new bills go into circulation, the debt is naturally "retired" and the old Federal Reserve Notes are destroyed.
We plan on doing something very simple --- leaving the President's faces on the bills so that people are not too startled by the change, and replacing the reverse side image of the currency with our American Bison symbol. The exchange rate will be one for one, so that nobody feels cheated.
As this currency is backed with pre-paid credit there is no longer any implication of debt incurred by the user, and as it is being issued by the actual government and not a consortium of private banks, it will be a fully secured public script.
The effect of the offset on the world economy and the average American family, both, will be swift and positive, but also gradual enough to avert chaos. There will be no need to worry about rushing to exchange Federal Reserve Notes for American Certificates.
There remain numerous concerns, and among them, one of the chief concerns is counterfeiting and failure to dispose of redeemed Federal Reserve Notes.
Mr. Obama set up a worldwide counterfeiting operation based in China, Thailand, and various other foreign countries, and actually sent our printing presses, specialty papers and inks, and engraving plates to these countries so that they could print their own supplies of "Federal Reserve Notes" at will.
Of course, the Serial Numbers are faked and/or duplicated, but otherwise these bills look absolutely authentic. This presents the specter of having an endless supply of "new" debt notes that these foreign enterprises can present for exchange against our Credit Certificates and significantly increases the cost of detection and disposal.
We propose that those responsible for this situation, the Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster, be held accountable--- and that we should be reimbursed for these counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes along with the cost of detecting and disposing of them. This particular problem, like so much else, would not exist except for their choices and actions.

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