This little guy always bring dried seed to trade for some nuts

3 years ago

squirrels are shockingly easy to train with food! One summer at a city park snack bar I worked at I got bored and started feeding french fries to a little black squirrel with a notched ear. He was easy to spot with the ear, and every time I fed him I made the kissy sound you make to cats to get them to come to you. That squirrel learned fast. On my days off when people weren't looking out for and feeding my buddy things got sketchy. One day I was off my coworkers texted me IRATE because "your squirrel was just up on the counter!!" I didn't see him for weeks after that(probably scared) until one day, near the end of the season, I saw him like 40 feet away and started making the kissy sound. Little jumped the trashcan he was perched on and came running so fast my heart almost blew a gasket
source video:vosszaa

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