Don't fall for Doug Ford's fake tears & apology Ontario! He's only sorry because he's down in polls!

3 years ago

This is an urgent plea from the Commander in Chief of Arana Nation to the people of Ontario. Do NOT fall for Doug Ford's fake apology and his fake tears! He is only sorry because his poll numbers are falling and too many people have now turned their backs on him! He has lost the confidence of the New World Order and the Canadian leftist elite which had him under their control for so long and now he wants to come crawling back to the people with fake crocodile tears and a sob story apology which was completely scripted! Going back to Doug Ford would be like going back to an abusive partner who beat you, cheat on you but now wants you back! In the words of Chris Sky, JUST SAY NO!! #Justsayno​ #DougFord​ #ChrisSky​

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