Will Cops Bug Out During SHTF? An Insider's Answer (Prepper Security)

3 years ago

When SHTF hits, will the cops bug out and leave everyone to fend for themselves? As an almost 20 year police veteran, I give the insider's answer in this video. (Prepper Security)
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This channel is about prepping, self-defense, and how to stay out of jail should you have to defend yourself.
I am a police officer for a small police department; and a staunch supporter of the rights of the people and the US Constitution.
I am also a police academy certified instructor in many topics; but I specialize in firearms and Use of Force law.

*Special Notes:
I am an affiliate with the All American Sun Oven & Palmetto State Armory & other survival-related companies.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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