Ian Jacklin Interviews Dr. Robert Young on why Shots, masks and tests are bogus.

3 years ago

Don't believe the Draconian hype. There is no virus. No Koch's Postulates to prove any virus exists so no vaccine needed. Get alkaline.
Ian and Dr. Young chat about why the tests are bad, the shots are bad and what to do about it.

We are ruled by psychopaths and run by idiots. There is one disease and one cure. The ailment is acidosis. The cure is getting Alkaline. Cure what ails you. You don't get the disease you do disease. Here's how not to do it.

Ian’s books and DVD’s: http://www.ArchAngelStudios.org

For Health - This is my group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/icurecancer — welcome! Ian’s Intellectual Property. Hi.

Watch this guy first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2LUcBPIrP8&t=1s
If you dig him, he was my mentor so I teach him and Dr. Robert O Young’s pH Miracle alkaline protocols.

So if you would like personal training with cancer or martial arts and fitness please email me at gijacklin@yahoo.com and to get started raising your pH:

Ian Jacklin’s I Cure Cancer book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1097512436
Ian Jacklin’s next book on Dr. Robert O Young’s Protocols: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082PRKS62

Get started balancing your pH with salt: You electrically improve the conductivity through a salt program because that's how electrons travel. They travel on a matrix of salt. You energize those cells you start recreating new blood. Phour Salts https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/phour-salts?aff=21

— If you can’t afford the PHOUR Salts…. Bob's Red Mill organic baking soda 1 tsp - 3 to 4 times a day (after meals). 1/4 tsp of Himalayan pink salt 3 to 4 times a day and put on food.and
Chlorophyll: https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/ijuice-chlorophyll?_pos=1&_sid=c4e06889b&_ss=r?aff21

pH test strips: https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/ph-test-strips?_pos=1&_sid=b1e445612&_ss=r?aff=21

And Super Greens: https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/ijuice-supergreens?aff=21

With some drops: 10 drops of puripHy: PuripHy is a combination of liquid sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate and potassium hydroxide. PuripHy can be added to liquids to help to reduce dietary acids in the stomach and small and large intestine and to rid the water of harmful bacteria, yeast and mold. PuripHy also helps to buffer the stomach acids of hydrochloric acid which can lead to acid reflux and heartburn. It helps to protect from dietary acids the alkaline environment of the alimentary canal, especially the small intestine and the delicate intestinal villi.


Essential fatty acids; Opti Oils: https://phmiracleproducts.com/collections/best-sellers/products/opti-oils?aff=21

The book: https://phmiracleproducts.com/collections/books-audio-video/products/chlorine-dioxide-clo2-booklet?aff=21

CLO2 is an inorganic compound composed of oxygen; chloride; potassium and gold. Compounds of oxygen and chloride are formed from two electronegative elements. This chemical property of CLO2 makes possible the release of nascent oxygen upon decomposition during its action as an anti-microbial agent. Certain aspects of the cellular immune system (specifically white blood cells) utilize other mechanisms in the generation of highly reactive oxygen derivatives (free radicals) for the purpose of combating the invasion of foreign organisms. Without these protective mechanisms provided by the immune system involving oxygen derivatives; the ability to fight infection is greatly impaired.
Prime pH (works Like MMS AKA Chlorine Dioxide but uses just the Sodium Chlorite instead). https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/innerlight-prime-ph?_pos=1&_sid=f689d8052&_ss=r?aff=21

Mens Support: https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/mens-support-90-capsules?_pos=1&_sid=afd30a153&_ss=r?aff=21

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