2020-12-27 - When is the Great Harvest of the Great Multitude?

3 years ago

Great Harvest of the Great Multitude: https://youtu.be/rz7x_b70RoM - VIDEO: Great Harvest of Great Multitude May 12, 2020
Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fEQk...​ - NOTES: Book of Daniel
Rapture Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - PLAYLIST: Rapture Series
7-Sided Pattrrn: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FJ4X… - NOTES: GrtTribEclipses
6th Trumpet Great Army: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… - PLAYLIST: The Great Army
A couple really important messages on the Garments!
Sardis - Not Defiled Garments with Woman https://youtu.be/eoMHAdl7RFc - VIDEO: Sardis - Not Defiled Garments with Woman
And the Wedding Garment - Clothed in Fine Linen https://youtu.be/rBijFBu7n8c - VIDEO: Wedding Garment - Clothed in Fine Linen
Q: Hi Brother Leeland, Thank you for this solid food 🙏🙏❤
Jah Bless you❤. I am downloading these important treasures,before all is deleted .I wonder how to get german subtitle ,so i can share it to my German bretheren?
A: Explain in this video how to change cc to other languages: https://youtu.be/SM89AbR40t0 - VIDEO: LockDown? Now What? Channel Update Mar 20, 2020
Q: Awesome teaching! I look forward to going back and watching more. Thank you for sharing your insights brother Leeland, they are such a blessing! I'm a bit confused however, could you please explain, if you count 3 days from the 24th day of the 1st month, don't you land on the 27th day of the 1st month, not the 2nd day of the 2nd month? Blessings All!!!
A: The service of the 24 priests last a week. Three days after the 24th is the 27th, still the 1st Month. Abijah course serves from 26th day of the first month until the 2nd day of the 2nd month which is his 7th day on the Sabbath.
Q: Thanks for this Leeland. Do you know the days/dates that as should be celebrating the 7 biblical feasts as high sabbath's? Thanks. Do you have a video on this?
A: Have discussed but don't remember where, it's this strongs word.
Shabbatown h7677. שַׁבָּתוֹן šaḇâṯôn; from 7676; a sabbatism or special holiday: — rest, sabbath.AV - rest 8, sabbath 3, 11
Sabbath observance, sabbatism
A. of weekly sabbath
B. day of atonement
C. sabbatical year
D. of Feast of Trumpets
E. of the 1st and last days of the Feast of Tabernacles
Q: On what month and day does Yom Kippur fall on the Enoch calendar in 2023? Or is it impossible to know until it's closer to the time?
A: Sorry, Yom Kippur in Sept 22, 2023
Q: I am really studying the notes and cannot find the video for 6th trumpet can someone help me out
A: The Great Army: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gaUWez5Sh8TC0F1Sj-t6we9 - PLAYLIST: The Great Army
Q: You said Abijah came on the third day after the 24th day of the first month being the 27th but why does it show that it is written on the date being on the 2nd day of the following week being the second month of the Enoch calendar?
A: The service of the 24 priests last a week. Three days after the 24th is the 27th, still the 1st Month. Abijah course serves from 26th day of the first month until the 2nd day of the 2nd month.
Q: I greatly respect your teaching. One question: help me understand how your description of 62 + 7 + 3 relates to Daniel 70 weeks?
A: Cyrus Decree of 70 years in the 70th week or start of the Tribulation
C: Thank you for your time in study and this teaching. I apologize but I only understood a harvest in 2023 from it. That is the 2nd harvest and the 1st is in 2020? Thank you.
R: First is "determining the 1335 Days:" https://youtu.be/9wJ3-saWw3Q - VIDEO: Determining the 1335 Days ¤ 7th Trumpet May 7, 2020
Q: Leeland is there 3 groups of believers or 2?
1. 144000
2. the great multitude
3. believers who survive the full tribulation without taking the mark.
are 2&3 the same group or different? thank you.
A: It's a good question.
If the voice of Rev 19:6 is the great multitude, then they are attending the Wedding Supper, if the voice is the Lord like Rev 1:15, 14:2 then they are not there.
The evidence seems to suggest they are there, "I heard a great voice of much people in heaven." Verse 6 of Rev 19, "I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude." Multitude is g3793 ὄχλος ochlos of people used in context in Rev 7:9 and 17:15 and here in 19:1, 6.
In Esther, there's a clear difference between those in the Shushan Palace and those scattered throughout the Empire. If Shushan is heaven then the multitude is not there.
The question could also be said for the Army in Rev 19 with the Lord. How many come back with Him on White Horses?
Next we'll get into the Army in the 6th Trumpet.
Q: Leeland in the book of Matthew 3:7 But when he (John the baptist) saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of Vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Matthew 12:34 Jesus repeats O generation of Vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Question; why did John & Jesus refer to the Pharisees and Sadducees as Vipers? Was it because they are the seed of Cain? I've heard it said by (Jonathan Kleck) that Eve was first impregnated by Satan in the garden & shortly afterwards by Adam & that Cain & Abel were twins with different fathers. Are the Jews of the serpent race? Would you mind delving into that can of worms when you have an opportunity please, I would certainly appreciate it very much....CHEERS!
A: Seed of Cain is false Talmud doctrine. The fruit or generation in Greek is γέννημα gennēma; offspring; that which has been born or begotten. So yes this is the Seed of Satan as discussed here: https://youtu.be/LntXjHfdd3w - VIDEO: Woman's Seed vs serpent seed - Mark of the Beast Dec 16, 2020
The 2 sons became one good one evil because they ate from that tree.
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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