CCP Scholar: China Should Offer Special Training to Win the Public Opinion War with the West 中共學者支招:如何贏得與西方的輿論戰?

3 years ago

Full English translation of the speech by Zheng Roulin, Researcher, Institute of China Studies, Fudan University, Former France correspondent of Wen Wei Po published on April 22, 2021.
Zheng Ruolin stressed in the video that in order to win the media/public opinion war with the West, the CCP must use state power to train professionals who will learn to defend the CCP in a politically correct way in Western societies. He also acknowledges and emphasizes that "a small rebuke is a big help" and that “it is surprisingly effective in practical application”.
The original title of his speech is “How to Prevent Patriotic Media Professionals from Being ‘Silent Lambs Abroad When Western Public Opinion Is Overwhelmingly One-sided?”
這是中共復旦大學中國研究院研究員 、《文匯報》前駐法記者郑若麟在2021年4月22日《觀視頻》中所做演講的英文字幕版。

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