"OnFire Cafe" The Book of Hebrews Part Two

3 years ago

#OnFireCafe #ScriptureStudy #EndTimesProphecy #BookOfHebrews
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A New "OnFire Cafe" Book Club series in “The Study of Scripture”. Come Study with us as we present our Narration Series "The Letter to the Hebrews". Join us here for, “The Book of Hebrews – Part Two”. We will look at Hebrews chapters 7,8,9 & 10 in their entirety.

Part 2 – The Book of Hebrews Continues
It continues with a number of topics. It discusses Christs Priesthood higher than Levitical priesthood, Melchizedek, Melchizedek accepted tithes from Abraham, From Levitical priesthood to the priesthood of Melchizedek, the abrogation of the old law, Christ’s priesthood is unchanging, The perfection of the heavenly high priest, superiority of the worship sanctuary and mediation of Christ, The new priesthood and the new sanctuary, Christ is the mediator of a greater covenant, Christ enters the heavenly sanctuary, Christ seals the new covenant with his blood, Summary; Christ’s sacrifices superior to the sacrifices of Mosiac Law, The old sacrifices ineffective, the efficacy of Christ’s sacrifice, persevering faith, the Christian opportunity, and Motives for perseverance.

With the continuation of the Letter to the Hebrews, we see the topics expanded and further guidance expressed with the descriptions. Come take the journey with us as we continue with the Letter to the Hebrews.

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