Drama in America... I have still complete Control, please pray ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

3 years ago

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2021/01/12/drama-in-america-i-have-complete-control-ich-habe-absolute-kontrolle/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Drama in America... I have still complete Control

January 8, 2021 - Words from Jesus Christ & Sister Clare

Lord, do You have a word for us?

Jesus began... "I am here in the midst of you, and while things look very bad from the outside, what is happening on the inside is very hopeful. You must keep cool and stay in prayer. So much depends on your faithful prayers. This is a cooperative venture between you and I. You pray and I act. All that has been accomplished so far, all of it has happened because you prayed and fasted, and it is much more than you are able to see or realize. I accept the littlest gift from those who give with a good heart. Your heartfelt prayers have swung the pendulum in a much better direction.

"Remember that your capital is under My mother's jurisdiction. As you ask for her intercession, she too swings into action, There are many faithful Catholic and Orthodox believers around the world that appear to be little nobodies and ineffectual, but that couldn't be further from the truth. They are very little ones, whose prayers, purity and faith move mountains. All over the world, from the Middle East and around the globe to China, people are praying for the overthrow of evil in this nation, and in their own.

"Do not be discouraged by appearances, just continue to pray and watch My hand move. There is still work to be done if you remain faithfully in prayer. Thank Me, even for the things that seem to be going in the wrong direction, because I am using those things in a way you cannot understand from your perspective. I am not excluding the rapture, but that still remains shrouded in mystery in My father's plan. You must always be ready, with a clean conscience and your flasks full of oil, for you do not know the hour or the day in which I will come.

"If you stay prepared, you will be ready. If you were lazy, slothful and irresponsible, not looking to the needs of others, you will be left behind in that hour. Continue also to repent for your nation. Only now are you getting a glimpse of the depths of depravity your elected officials have sunken into. Were the truth to be told, out in the open, about all that happens behind locked doors, some would die of grief on the very spot. It is far worse, and far more pervasive than what anyone has imagined.

"Satan has many in his back pockets, and now that the brackish water has been drained, the real filth is being exposed. Do not stop praying, put your heart into your prayers; there is great hope!"

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