1/2 MASSIVE Fukushima Update For April 2021 - THE CORRECT VIEWS 04.21.2021

3 years ago

Greetings Unsettled Souls,
‘Tis Sam DiGangi, most recently published in World Net Daily – one of the internets OLDEST and most well established publications – on the topic of North Korea. Please be sure to check it out here: https://www.wnd.com/2021/04/causing-stink-n-koreas-kim-duo-testing-joe-biden/
Also, we have facts on all things Fukushima/nuclear via:
Wha happened to your comment, aka, “How to get thrown off a show’s comment line” – My apologies to those who suffered due to one trolling fool;
RT has reported that authorities and “experts” area saying that it is “unavoidlable” that toxins be dumped into the sea;
When do South Korea and the sadists who run China ever agree? They agree about Fukushima concerns and their shared oceanianic waters, according to The Week In Asia;
The Washington (com)Post reports that China has summed the issue of dumping radioactive water in the ocean as follows: If it is so safe, you [those allowing the dump] drink it;
THE DUMBDEE OF THE DAY!!! How about a an idea so dumb that even the currators of said idea dump the plan (like toxic water into the ocean). As mascot of poison, death, and cancer, perhaps? Anyone?

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