Ontario Police in Gravenhurst Knock Kid off Scooter for Violating Lockdown, Maybe BLM Has a Point

3 years ago

Ontario Provincial Police in Gravenhurst... Ontario, knocked a kid, a 12-Year old kid off his scooter for violating Lockdown procedures. We don't know what happened before or after the recording to be fair, but it would take a Herculean effort to convince me this was reasonable for any officer to do. Ontario is the 2nd worst Province to be trapped in at the moment (Quebec still exists... unfortunately) and if kids cannot be allowed to play outside on a spring day, just pack it in. We have had a good ride as a society and country, time to become the 51st State already.

Oh, and the Trudeau government doesn't want you to reference vaccines as a treatment for the coof. lol. Clown Country.

Rebel News 1: https://www.rebelnews.com/opp_officer_shoves_12_year_old_boy_while_enforcing_covid_restrictions
RN2: https://www.rebelnews.com/trudeau_gov_dont_call_vaccines_treatment_for_covid

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#OPP #Lockdowns #ChildAbuse

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