✅🌟[We are all connected with cosmos, Star dust, healing Energy, peaceful time, Insomnia, Love- FCM]

3 years ago


Welcome to Fortune Cookie Meditation channel. We are happy you’re here. [We are all connected with cosmos, Star dust, Relax, Good Memories, Positive healing Energy, peaceful time, Family, Fall in Love, Smile, Sweet Dreams, Dream Big, Insomnia, Study Music, Yoga, Positive Energy Release, Love For Life - Fortune Cookie Meditation Channel].

Do you feel connected to your environment? What about feeling a connection to the universe as a whole? When looking up at the milky way, it’s hard not to feel like an insignificant speck of dust in the great, swirling galaxy. Afterall, it is filled with light, matter and what seems like an endless sky full of stars. The scope of this is so enormous it can eclipse our tiny human troubles in comparison – and that’s actually a good thing. We are part of a much bigger story. It is good to put that into perspective. Yes, our lives matter and we make meaning with every day we live here, but it is only part of the big picture. Knowing this can help you put your troubles into a different context.

Meditation is a way to foster that connection and gain access to a realm outside of your everyday experience. You can even imagine you are in that cosmic swirl and enjoy the dance that occurs between you and the other particles that surround you. Enjoy the feeling of smallness. Embrace the feeling of connectedness. You are a part of this story in time. Your story matters. Connect to the bigness of the greater story and shine in a way that only you can. That’s how you make a difference in the billions of atoms that are moving all around us. Namaste.


Fortune Cookie Meditation channel. Two new videos are released every week with the intent to help you balance your energy, body and mind. You may enjoy the nature sounds for your yoga meditation or to drift off to a peaceful sleep. Let us provide you with proven ways to relax, unwind, meditate and cleanse your mind.


Quote of the day: “We are a way for cosmos to know itself.” ~ Carl Sagan


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