Let your kids lick the salt lamp!

3 years ago

All our mineral levels are severely deficient! - Make sure you add Himalayan salt liberally to your foods and to your water (1/4 tsp per litre of water)

Use Iodine for brain development, to boost your thyroid and to live healthily!

80% of Australians also have parasites - supplement with diatomaceous earth to kill these parasites and clean up any toxicity left behind.

Iodine - https://www.purplehousenaturaltherapies.com.au/storefront/molecular-iodine-colloid-drops-3-10ml/

Salt - https://www.purplehousenaturaltherapies.com.au/storefront/himalayan-salt-fine-ground-1kg/

Diatomaceous - https://www.purplehousenaturaltherapies.com.au/storefront/diatomaceous-earth/

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