One More Chance (Rosalie Drysdale 2021)

3 years ago

One More Chance

"One More Chance" is an original Blues Tune by Rosalie Drysdale. The video tells the story of deep regret, and the longing for just one more chance to make it right.

The music and images will take your breath away, and touch your innermost heart.

Special lighting and filming effects, as well as the extreme desolation along the still frozen shores of Lake Winnipeg, make this video one that you will never forget.

"The blues are the roots and the other musics are the fruits. It’s better keeping the roots alive, because it means better fruits from now on. The blues are the roots of all American music. As long as American music survives, so will the blues. – Willie Dixon"

Music and Lyrics: Rosalie Drysdale
Vocals: Rosalie Drysdale
Piano: Rosalie Drysdale
Audio Production: James Creasey
Guitar: James Creasey
Bass: Julian Bradford
Percussion: Cody Iwasiuk
Video Production: Studio Bella Rosa
Orchestration: Rosalie Drysdale
Tory Development: Studio Bella Rosa

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