Diseases, Mind control, Pharma & Danger of Abortions ❤️ Warning from Jesus

3 years ago

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2020/09/22/pharma-gedankenkontrolle-abtreibungen-mind-control-abortions/
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Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Rhema September 16, 2020... Diseases, Mind control & Abortions

Jesus began… “My Beloved Bride, some of you are hurting right now, because of what you did to the gift that I sent you. Please come to Me and allow Me to hold and comfort you. I have forgiven you. Now I ask you to pray for those who are considering an abortion. If you can demonstrate or write a letter; print it up - leave it at bus stops, laundromats, the post office? Leave them everywhere and pray that a heart will be touched not to abort their baby.

“Share with them what you went through, and how you felt afterwards. Help them to make a better decision, even by sympathizing with their fears. But convincing them that life is a gift from God, and He will provide everything they need to continue to live and flourish with their little one.

“Abortions are dangerous. Clare almost went into cardiac arrest during hers. You do not know what they are inj..ting into your system, but suffice it to know that at every opportunity they are chipping the public. They tell you it’s a shot for such and such, but it really is an electronic device that will program your mind to forget about Me, and turn you off to anything having to do with Me.

“Not only that, but va..ines that are supposed to help you are loaded with timed diseases that will take a toll on your life as you grow older. Do not allow them to va..inate you or your child. Some die of these vaccinations. You cannot trust all doctors; they have been groomed to work with the gov...ment’s ag.nda. One shot could render you childless for the rest of your life.

“But more importantly, your morals have been so twisted from birth that you literally do not know right from wrong. The schools have programmed you to believe that what is wrong in My sight, is good and right. And what is right before Me, is degrading and wrong. How twisted these times are, My children.

“But I speak to you in your heart and My lambs know My voice. The voice of the tempter they will not follow. All I ask of you is please, do not turn off the voice in your conscience to compromise for any reason at all. Reason after reason will be offered you to cause an exception to the rule.

“The heinous thing done by the evil one was to prolong now, the time a child could be murdered during a pregnancy. That means that the enemy can cause a deep depression and send others to talk a soul out of keeping that child during the entire nine months. How many times have you had a bad week that would convince you abortion is the best thing?

“You see, the enemy has bought time to work on you and he will do all in his power to persuade you to murder this child.

“I am pleading with you now. Do not buckle under his suggestions. Do not for one moment think you are doing your life a favor by this action. No, you are not. You are destroying the very person who could have brought you the most joy, both now and in your later years.

“You are opening your body to a corrupt gov...ment working with greedy and evil pharm..eutical com..nies. You have no idea what is in those syringes. But many of the di..ases that are now rampant were engineered in those same labs 40 years ago, full knowing the devastating effect they would have on the population in the near future. And including computing to the very dollar, how much profit they would make in treating those di..ases.

“You are My children. Beautiful and precious in every way. Created in My image.

“I beg of you, do not destroy life! Rather, protect it. And pray for, and witness to the poor misguided souls who think killing their child is the only solution.”

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