Serious Warning from Jesus to all Christians on Earth ❤️ Summary of Statements from the Lord

3 years ago

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Fear God, NOT Men... A serious Warning from Jesus to all Christians on Earth

(Jackie) Summary of Statements by the Lord thru our Sisters Clare, Carol & Nana and new Insights regarding the Mark by Brother Sadhu Selvaraj from August 2020 - Please share this Video with everyone you know!

Let's start with His Warning in the Book of Revelation 13:16-18... And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or upon their forehead, and that no one should be able to buy or sell except he that has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is the wisdom! He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.

And now, let's continue with the Lord's Statements regarding this coming Trial...

Excerpt from Jesus' Message 'They will be Left Behind, because they rejected Me & My Counsel' thru Sister Clare from November 4, 2014

Jesus says... "I tell you the truth – those who have spurned the wise counsel of My faithful ministers shall at last open their ears and hear their voice. But it will be too late for them to avoid the trials that are coming upon the Earth to try all souls.

"The Mark of the Beast will be the beginning of their sifting in earnest. It will begin with self-denial in little things and get right down to the vital basics. There will be a sifting as has never been before experienced in believers.

"The world has caught them up into a lifestyle and theology that did not exist in My early church.

"Their very sense of being will be critically threatened and called into question until they realize Who I AM and who they are in Me, and what it truly means to bear My Name, My Cross.

"To live in Me and I in them. Then they will discover their worth and reject completely all the world has offered and held for them. This must be done through a process, it doesn’t come overnight. That is why I am leaving them behind."

Jesus' Message 'Beware of the Mark of the Beast' thru Sister Carol from May 11, 2015

Jesus says... "Our topic tonight is Money. Whether you have little or much, money will become a thing of the past swiftly in the days of Tribulation. You WILL be forced at some point to make the decision... Will I take the mark touted by the Anti-Christ – Obama and his new administration in order to live, eat and survive? Or will I take the better way?"

"Let’s look at what each of these decisions will involve... It will seem logical, cool, intelligent, Prudent, no big deal, once all the various money systems, coins, currencies are in chaos around the world as the world economies collapse.

"The idea is already in the works... take a simple computer chip in the hand or forehead, and Voila! Open a door, turn on a device or pay for a purchase with the wave of your hand. Once the demons disguised as aliens show up, there will be an issue of allegiance, too. So people will be brainwashed into believing that 'they' are real, but 'they' are false, and they will be driven to follow one course or the other.

"But the bottom line will be... Follow Me or follow satan... No matter how convoluted the package appears. I have said before that taking the chip into your body will forever seal your fate."

"This is the reason, the chip will contain demon 'seed' that, once it is implanted into your body, will release another DNA into your bloodstream, and this will begin to permanently change and transform your DNA into what was once called a Nephilim. This process cannot be reversed, and will not be forgiven.


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