Graces for the White House, Lies of the Mainstream Media & Voter Fraud ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

3 years ago

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Graces delivered to White House, Mainstream Media Lies & Voter Fraud... Pray!

July 20, 2020 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you, dear Heartdwellers. I want to share with you that I just happened to watch President Trump’s update on the MS 13 gang, which has been used for abducting children and fomenting riots to destabilize our government. One of our heartdwellers, who is a retired commander from the Army, watched with horror all the gang did in Seattle, and he, being highly trained, recognized very clearly every stage of what they did and what they executed. It was clearly a military strategy that was being used as the events unfolded. What I am saying is that what happened in Seattle was planned, intricately executed and completely controlled by the higher ups who have now been arrested and charged with treason.

Truly it is the violent arm of the socialist, communist leaders that is funding it all, in hopes that the American people are asleep enough and content enough in their materialistic lifestyle that they will not look beyond the mainstream-media and just go along with their agenda, which is to destroy our liberty and constitution.

Dear ones, don’t be asleep. Look deeply into this situation and understand what is really going on in this country. This fight that we are in is for liberty, constitution and our rights to live according to God’s rule. It escapes me how a party claiming to be democratic on the outside but socialist on the inside can get away with such a title.

In the meantime... what a wonderful job our president is doing! How amazing that he is finally eradicating this terrorizing gang, which, by the way, is highly structured, unlike an ordinary street gang. Lord Jesus, please share Your thoughts with us...

(Jesus) "Clare, I am always eager to speak with you, My dove. I have heard your cries and pleas to be more effective in ministry, and I am leading you by way of the lights that I shine upon this world. Make no mistake, I want you to see the progress your president is making, because you have indeed had a share in his success by leading your Heartdwellers in prayer, for the nation and the world. Your prayers are powerful, and combined with others, amount to a very great force for good.

"Your president has been challenged on many, many fronts, and because of the tears you shed for this man, along with the tears of thousands of others, he has been greatly strengthened. There is an invisible force for good working for what is right in this country, and it is called grace.

"Grace has been delivered to the White House in truckloads, if you will, because of the united front of prayer in this country. Bravo, I say to you Children of the Light, who have put your hearts into fasting and praying for what is right to triumph. I want you to know, firsthand, how very significant your commitment to pray for your country has been. Truly, you are a force to be reckoned with and My desire is that you stay on your feet, in the fray and on the watch, to continue to protect and advance what is right and good.

"Many poor decisions have been made by those who would destroy this country, and now the light has begun to shine in the darkness, and they can no longer hide their evil doing from the public eye. I know you have prayed very hard for the exposure of corruption in the media, and I want to tell you, My Love, it is coming. Continue to pray, but believe Me, it is coming.


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