Albie Lester

3 years ago

I met Albie Lester approximately 10 years ago while visiting BJ’s wholesale warehouse to do some shopping. Albie was there with his son Jon, who had just gotten back from Afghanistan while serving in the US Army. Albie was wearing faded pull over US Coast Guard Jacket, which bore the Coast Guard motto “Semper Paratus”, which translates to Always Ready. Playing dumb, I asked him what the Inscription meant, to which he replied “Oh, that’s the United States Coast Guard motto, it means always ready”. I replied back, “Semper Paratus Simply Forgot Us!” Albie knew at that point, that I had served in the United States Coast Guard also. For 10 years I had corresponded with Albie who lives in Springs, East Hampton, by telephone, text and email. Albie is retired from commercial fishing and clamming, some thing I have tried my hand at also. But Albie is the real McCoy This video was taking during my second in person meeting with Albie over 10 years later. Albie is a good man, And my life is richer for knowing him. I hope everybody enjoys the video. God Bless Albie Lester

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