Old Fart Rants #saytheirnames (Chicago 2018 edition)

3 years ago

Let’s see if #blacklivesmatter to Old Fart Rants, oldfartrants I want him to #saytheirnames The antique media isn’t going to say the names of gangland victims of homicide in Chicago, so I will. Michael Brown & George Floyd sell newspapers & are used to stir up the pawns (in chess, the pawns always go first) by folks like Maxine Waters.

These folks that I name off get no attention because it does not help the Democrat narrative. Chicago has far too many fatherless children, which leads to more drug addicts, dropouts & criminals.

Chicago’s Democrats have done far more damage to the black community (a community that seems to be altruistic to a point, they are fine living in a community ravaged w/ crime, so long as they can stick it to a white cop or whomever is the current boogeyman they use as a facade to their own failures) than Darren Wilson or Donald Trump ever could.

The only link you will need


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